37 Year Old
Invited by: Aly·
Joined on May 20, 2007
Born on March 3rd
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
<3<3<3Ok, well, there's really not much to tell but i'll say as much as i can. First of all, my name's Amber and I'm 19. I practically live at the mall (specifically in the expensive stores with cut outfits) and can always be found with either one of my friends. I have one sister whos really sweet and always cheery. I guess she's rubbed off on me because I'm always smiling and laughing, kinda like her. I love cracking jokes and dissing my friends (all in good fun, and hey, they do it to me too). My favorite subject is of course boys and I will occasionally drift off in class daydreaming in my little fantasy world. If you can't find me at the mall, it's more than likely I'm at the beach sporting a new swimsuit. I absolutely LOVE the ocean and want to be a marine biologst when i grow up. Whew, it's tiring writing about yourself. Writing was never my best subject anyway. So, if you wanna be friends, rate my profile, mabye leave me a comment, and hit the 'Friend Request' button. Looking forward to meeting you!!!<3<3<3
P.S. If I send you a shout out on the Shoutbox, don't respond if you're not gonna answer me.
37 Year Old
Invited by: Aly·
Joined on May 20, 2007
Born on March 3rd
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Hey Amber! Thanks for being my friend. I like your pics. You are very cute and you sound very cool. It doesn't get any better than that! Have a great week. Don't be a stranger and stop by sometimes. Take care! :)