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Explanations First

This is just a little taste of some of my personal & favorite recipes. Some are used for various medical purposes ... others are just for "chillin" out.

I have been asked if i worshipped Satan.. and some are confused by exactly what Wicca is. In this first post i will make an attempt to explain a bit.


I do not even BELIEVE in the existance of the Christian Satan. HOWEVER... i do indeed believe in the presence of darkness or what some may call harmful spirits. I personally believe STRONGLY in the presence of spirits and some call these Angelic or Demonic.. i DO NOT... they are spirits or unseen guides.. not all friendly.. not all harmful but they do indeed exist. Not all are humanoid either. I believe that ALL THINGS have a life force.. even plants and animals. For example.. consider the tree.. it has " blood " .. we just call this SAP. Without the sap.. a plant can not live.. its a different color and consistancy from what we term blood.. but it's life sustaining all the same. Plants " breathe ".They supply US with much needed oxygen and other chemical components that make up the " Air " of this planet. Plants also act as air purifier, leeching out the more harmful chemicals in the air we breathe. Based on this... all things have blood, a spirit and LIFE. Likewise.. all things have a soul and have emotions. Animals feel just as we do.. and to me... the rustle of tree limbs in the wind is an expression of the plants feeling... its joy and happiness of being. I also believe that we can " hear - feel - taste and smell " the Goddess and God in all things. The whispering of voices in the wind, the flavor of her in what we taste, the smell of her in flowers, her touch as she caresses up with a fresh breeze. All life rejoices in Creation and Death.. the lone call of a wolf... the hoot of an owl.. the mewling of newborn kittens... the whine of a dog at the loss of a companion... the way an elephant will smell and caress the carcas of another as if saying good-bye... the way wolves will refrain from hunting or playing when another of the pack is dying.. they will stand watch over the pack-mate until its life-force is extinguished then they will howl and sing farewell. Paying respects for a life passed on to the next realm.

Not all Wiccan's belong to a Coven, some are Individuals. Even Wiccans or Witches who work in specific traditions come into the Craft as individuals. Most of those individuals have felt the need to align with the Old Ways and the Old Gods and Goddesses in some ritual way. Even individuals who will go through coven dedication sometimes feel the need for a more personal and private introduction into the Old Ways. This is a very natural desire since we are a religion of individuals who need no intervention to commune with our Gods and Goddesses.

Before any such ritual, whether private, coven, or both, it is important for the individual to take the time that they need to contemplate what this means to them. Personally, I view dedication as a solemn promise to yourself and the God and Goddess to honestly explore the Craft and its way of life as a possible path for one's self before making a complete committment. Wicca is not for everyone even if my personal feeling is that is should be. It is a commitment of respect and tolerance for others as well as a commitment of respect and tolerance for self. In a sense, one does not become a Witch, but rather commits to a lifetime of becoming a Witch. In the world of the Witch there is no stagnation, only the constant flow to work in harmony with the seen and the unseen worlds around us. Witches understand that they will never know everything, but they are sure that many times will come when they desire to know more. It is a commitment to a lifetime of education.

Not education through just books and classes, though that will be a large part of it, but rather education through experiencing that lifetime. In both good times and bad times the lessons will come. Witches know that to change the world, we must first change ourselves, and in order to change ourselves we must know ourselves. Perhaps this is the hardest commitment of all. A Witch must honestly come to know and love themselves and must be willing to see the faults and gifts within themselves. This will not be easy, but no one ever said becoming a Witch was.

True initiation comes from the Goddess. No one can give it to you or take it away from you except the Goddess. Teachers can guide you but they can not travel the path for you, since it is a journey of self. Dedication is the first step on the journey. What some people do not contemplate is that Witchcraft and a commitment to its way of life is also a commitment to understanding that this way of life is not the right way of life for everyone. It is a commitment to respect ALL religions and the place and importance they hold in the hearts and lives of others. A Witch does not pass judgements no matter what his/her personal opinion is.

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