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I was going t write a blog in an effort to bring more of my friends to this contest I'm in to comment bomb me... but I changed my mind... Not about the blog, or even the contest, but about who you vote for. It occurs to me that the winner of these things is determined by how many friends they have, and how much they pester them, and I don't think I want to pester mine. I don't much care to win either. It brings all kinds of points to the host, who very nicely offered to put me into her contest, and so that's all I hope for. She is after all my friend too. What I've decided to ask of you instead, is to click the link, go to the whole gallery, and show some love for the guys who aren't getting much. They deserve it too you know. It all works out for the hose in the end, and you just might make one of these guys feel better about himself. I'm pretty self confident, and it makes my life richer. Imagine giving that gift to somebody else? Ok, getting all preachy and self righteous... Anyhow, please, go and spread the wealth. It's just more fun when everyone gets a share. image.php?u=476676&i=334955345&tn=1 Ken
Fulfilling my part of the bargain.

Ok so Blue Smoke and I were sitting in a stickam chat talking about all sorts of things like politics and shit. So then he notices that we had 10 lurkers watching so we came up with this social experiment. I told him that if he popped his shirt that I bet the pervs would actually come inside. So we gave it 10 minutes to get 5 of them in the room. So as we go along... we got to 4.5 minutes and we hit 5 people! You would think I had won my bet. I lost on a damn techinicality! As soon as we hit the 5 people, they started dropping like flies!! So by the time we hit 10 minutes we were down to 1 person lurking. I do have to admit though, this is the first time that my faith in the actions of a perv has been shaken. Now I have to re-evaluate my view of the general population on a whole. LOL Because I lost the bet, it was my responsibility to blog the experiment. I have now paid my debt in full and I loved being a part of it Blue! Kisses to you and the wife!!

Thanks Sunny... will do.

It's alive!

Hey, just thought I'd put it out there, I got that "stickam" thing that everyone else seems to have. Put a live webcam feed onto my page. Seemed pretty cool to me. Ok. That is all.

My mind has a leak.

As some of you may or may not have noticed... I've had that fun little "sick" status symbol up for the past few days. No, I'm not making a web trend... I'm actually quite ill. It sucks. The plus side is that I'm already 3 whole days without a cigarette... but quitters never win, so I'll pick it back up when I've got the strength. I have not done any of those oh so boring daily photos either. By now, my reasoning should be obvious. I don't even think I'm really sick anymore. I only had symptoms for about 12 hours, most of which I slept through. After that, I just sort of... have been recovering from being so sick. Mind you, it was a rough 12 hours.
Anyhow, I'm all strung out, and not on medicine, but just on exhaustion. I don't really do the whole "nyquil/pepto-bysmol/Tylenol" thing. I know far too much about chemically processed drugs to voluntarily put them into an already ailing body. My immune system deserved an opportunity to handle business before I go in and start trying to run things myself. Far be it from me to run in acting like I know better how to do it's job. Hell, it's been running the show with some pretty great success for the past 24 years, so I prefer to leave it to the experts.
My only real problem is my inability to focus. I can't bring a solid point together. I can't hold on to enough good ideas at one time to piece them together into something great. I didn't even realize how often I did this untill I lost my ability to.

Did you know that one time, Superman and Muhamad Ali went to a planet with a red sun so they could have a fair fight, and the champ won?

You see? where does that crap come from? and what is it supposed to mean? I know it to be a fact, but not a well stated one. It's not like Muhamad Ali bot the fight through Don King, who arranged the flight to another solar system. It's some comic book crap

That's graphic novel you troglodyte

Look, I don't read them anyways, whatever they are. I just heard it on some trivia show. Whatever... I need some sleep.

Killer instinct.

Okay, I'm writing again because something a new friend wrote inspired me. It gave me just enough focus to put these ideas together, so bear with me... it's new.

I fear for my life. Not from anything big, ominous, or even real, but from myself. I'm not suicidal, and I rather enjoy living, which is the source of my fear, but in the most simplistically removed mental states, my fighting will to live slips right through my grasp.

Sleep deprivation, intoxication, or a mild illness. Not that it makes me want to die so much, I just feel like if I had to fight very hard to stay alive, I wouldn't. Is this laziness? Is this a subconscious defiance to my years of "kill or be killed" living? Or am I sick in the head? My own awareness of this condition makes me feel as if there is hope for me to recover from it, but I don't worry too much. I do still have priorities. House is on fire? I'll get the kids out before I go back to bed.
Well, I seem to have, while in a drunken state last night, made a promise to tell a little about myself. I'm not quite sure what I had in mind, but I'll do my best to stick to my word. So, yesterday I turned 24. If you're one of those math whizzes, you might be able to figure out that I was born on a Sunday. In fact, it was SuperBowl Sunday. Good ol' XVII. Redskins v. Dolphins. I was born during the halftime. For some inexplicable reason, the doctor was "very busy" until then. Boring stuff. I guess the interesting stuff is more along the lines of what I have done with my life. I got hitched at 18. No regrets either. I joined the Army after September 11th. Maybe a few regrets on that one, but I wouldn't take anything back. The hard times came with some hard lessons. I worked with radios, and necissity being what it is, I learned how to fix them as well. I got to be pretty good at it too. When I left, I decided I would try to steer clear of guns and being a political puppet. So, I took some work in a theater. Best time I ever had. So, when the season ended, I became a freelancer. It's great money if you can find work. The latest feather in my cap is working as a carpenter for a Bob Vila endorsment in December. Trouble is... good jobs are few and far between. So, I'm looking for work in... oh boy... government. What can I say. I've kinda got an "in" with these guys with the whole DD-214 thing (Like a certificate of military service). I don't much care for working for the Government, but you can't bat the stability, and that's something I really need just now. My dream... that's the fun part. I have always had a love for movies. My father was in the Coast Guard when I was growing up, and was gone a lot of the time. Movies was kind of the thing we had when he was home. We'd go and see one almost every Saturday, and sometimes he'd come and get me out of school to go see one. I studied Theater and Television production when I was in High School to better understand how it all worked, and I have rooted myself pretty well with the local film, TV, and theater comunity. I' now trying to set up a non-profit organization purposed to give people like myself, with an interest/love for filmmaking the tools to do so. It's in the guise of a production company called Callsign ROMEO Productions. It's pretty cool, and if I can get some investors on board (It's tax deductable) than I can get things moving. I've already got quite a few people interested, a few theaters that will allow us to show our movies, a laundry list of local professional actors who want to try something different, and a firm background in the technical necissities of the task. That's all I got for now. More to come I suppose, but no promises on when.

It's still my day.

Ok. I want to start this off by informing you, the reader of a few things. 1. Today, January 30th 2007 is my 24th Birthday. 2. As such, I may or may not have had a few old friends over. 3. As such, I may or may not have had a few "adult beverages" 4. As such, I may or may not be inebriated. There, now that we have all of that out of the way, here's what I have to say today. An old friend of mine who served with me overseas posted a new blog today. He's a very right-wing kind of fellow who believes with great sincerity that the Democrats are ruining this country. I'm not so close minded as to think that he is totally off, but I never cared much for his political standpoints. The guy is kind of a troglodyte when it comes to that kind of stuff. What do you expect? He re-enlisted! Anyhow, Where was I? Oh yeah! I don't blog mutch here. I'm one of those people who matured into the world of personal networking websites with MySpace. My good friend Nic introduced me to it a few years ago. Anyhow, I have done a lot of blogging there, and have only recently discovered this place. I may or may not like this one better. (use logic obtained from previous statements to determine applicability) I like the point system, wherein I get credit for people coming to see me, judge me, and evaluate me. I seem to do well under those circumstances, though I feel like I need to start all over creating an audience. Well, if you want to be a member, first thing I owe you is exactly who I am. Tune in tomorrow for more on that subject. Your Servant.
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