44 Year Old
Joined on July 8, 2007
Born on February 1st
I am bi and happy with the man I am with. I am only looking for a few lucky ladies who would like to get to know me and chat. Thanks for all the comments and invites guys but for right now I am just not interested. Trust me if I want a man I will find you. Thank You
44 Year Old
Joined on July 8, 2007
Born on February 1st
Hey hows it going!!! i rated ur profile and pic a 10! please stop by my page and return the favor! and feel free to add me as a friend, and become my fan!!!
hey hun i am in my very first contest and could really use your help...please come by and show me some love...i will return the favor...the link is the pic below....bomb the hell out of it if you can...thanks
Basics of Cherry tap to get you startedShoutbox : this is like a onsite instant messenger to use left click on a persons name and it will bring up a small drop down box where you can type in a shout or reply-in this drop down box you can click on thier name to go to thier profile.Gaining points: you can leave a comment on a persons profile and rate thier profile and picture(s)at level one you can become someones FAN and they recieve points if they become a fan of yours you get points:. the rest will come with time and using the site hope this helps .If im online feel free to contact me and ask any questions if I am able i will answer them. if im not on click on any RED question"?" mark on yours or any other profil and it will take you to the CherryTap"bible" it is very thourough but very long.Again Welcome and have fun on cherry tap!!