61 Year Old
Greenwood, IN
Joined on February 9, 2014
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 11th
9 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone and 5 different people have a
crush on me!
I am a Wife, Mother and a Grandmother. Also a member of Oath Keepers, Militia, The Constitution, Broadcasting, Radio Shows, Live Stream Players, Networking With Over 10,000 People. Running My Network. I am a peace maker in every kind. I do not like Obama or our Governments lies & the deception they hand us, I do not like seeing our troops dying while the Gov passes out orders.... in less they are needed. I say this because I have seen some wars that could have been prevented. I am very social as I own several networks, I am a oath keep of the Constitution, well if you knew what is going Obama is changing our American peoples Constitution & I do not like it at all........ I am a member of the Montana State Defense Force. I also belong to a Sovereign Citizen group on line. I also am the Founder & CEO of United Truth Seekers . com