I love you to death. If I don't get this back, I understand.But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, youmust send it to 15 people that you really care about, includingthe person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back,then you are loved. Nobody knows what they have untilthey loose it. You never leave the person whom you love forthe one you like, because that person who you like will leaveyou for the person whom they love. Tonight, right at 12:00am,your true love is going to realize that they LOVE you!Then something is going to happen to you between1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow, be ready for the greatest shockof your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have badluck in love for the next years of your life. Send this to 15 peoplein 15 minutes. Do it if you wanna know who your real love is.ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOUSEND THIS COMMENT TO ALL THE PPL YOU LOVE. LOOK DOWN AT THE TABLE TOO SEE HOW MUCH PPL LOVE YOU.......1= NOT SO LOVED, YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF TOWN2= SOME PPL LOVE YOU BUT NOT TOO MANY.3= PPL LIKE YOU.4= PPL LOVE YOU!5= DANG, PPL REALLY DO ADORE YOU
Hey girl, Who is he? Yes I can handle taking care of a phone, Ive had the same one with John for 3 years. Your Dad has been waiting for you to come here. Write back now!
Who are you talking about? I don't have a weird background, it should be a picture from the wall, you know Pink Floyd. I haven't looked at it lately. So tell me all about this friend that you know. Love Mom
I do remember thinking back towards my middle school days. You were a year behind and then you moved away. To where I can't remember but at least your back now!!
Start talking with other people. It can be fun. The main idea is to gather up points. So you make some friends, then you go and vote and comment on their pic's, or their stash's and make points. Make sure you comment or you won't get any points. And its not gay. Make some friends!!!!! And listen to your mother!!!!