Daily Posted Poem: We go on in life chasing our own dreams filled with hope, making gentle schemes most doomed to failure it often seems Then as this life we go quietly through we somehow come across one such as you and know that one dream has come true
This is a test of the emergency pick up line service... Beeeeeeeeeeep. If you had been any less beautiful, you would have just heard a bad pick up line!!
Today's Poem: What man that of any character be could resist a lady lovely as thee If given the chance you will find I'm just as interested in your mind these feeble words are all I show to explain that you I wish to know
Daily Poem: Walking along a country road one day enjoying all nature while on my way I see the busted pod of the milkweed as it does attempt to spread its seed Like scattered feathers upon the wind each of them racing to their own end and with a pod busted and torn apart like the shell of my devastated heart I hope like the seeds that on wind blow my love may have another chance to grow