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37 Year Old · Male · From Palm Springs, CA · Joined on June 3, 2013 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!


Hey, welcome to my page!

My name is Dale, I am a Musician.


Widow because friends say I have legs like a spider, and I also have a black widow tattooed on my hand.
Never been married, and no.. they never died. So no, not THAT kind of widow.


Facts about Me:
tiny-star.png Been playing guitar for 16 yearstiny-star.png
tiny-star.png Been in 6 bandstiny-star.png
tiny-star.png Have played at popular venues all over SoCaltiny-star.png
tiny-star.png I have helped create a studio albumtiny-star.png
tiny-star.png Studio album was mixed and produced by Evan Rodaniche former guitar player from Powerman 5000tiny-star.png
tiny-star.png Into American Traditional Arttiny-star.png
tiny-star.png I have many tattoos, all are American Tradtional Styletiny-star.png
tiny-star.png No, I don't know how many I have tiny-star.png


I am not on here to find love,
I already have it in real life.
I am on here to make new friends,
And to play the game.


I like new friends and helping anyone out!
If you need help with anything just hit me up.

Much Love,
You're Friendly Neighborhood Rockstar


....and don't forget to Smile More!


37 Year Old · Male · From Palm Springs, CA · Joined on June 3, 2013 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!

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