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70 Year Old · Male · From Wilmington, DE · Joined on May 25, 2013 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 31st · I have a crush on someone!
70 Year Old · Male · From Wilmington, DE · Joined on May 25, 2013 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 31st · I have a crush on someone!

I am a vegetarian, have been one for 34 years,I like staying physically fit, I run,play tennis,shoot pool,play basketball,and I like going to the work out park,there are stations there for different exercises.I am not religious but I do respect others beliefs.I like jazz music,rhythm and blues,some rock music,rap that has a positive message,and contemporary jazz.I also like playing chess.I don't believe in magic or mysticism,and my life is grounded in science and rationality,but also I say live and let live.My life is base on strong sound principals which I set for my self.I also believe in self accountability not constantly blaming others for what ever short comings one may have.I don't subscribe to bullshit statements like, love and truth hurt sometimes,the truth only hurts a liar, even when you're lying to your self.I am a people person and love stimulating conversation.I think I'll stop now I'm starting to ramble.Any one who also likes stimulating conversation which can lead to personal growth feel free to hit me up any time.Thanks for your patients fu friends and family.

70 Year Old · Male · From Wilmington, DE · Joined on May 25, 2013 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 31st · I have a crush on someone!
My number one interest is studying the physical and social sciences,this helps to understand and unravel the tightly woven strands of life, this helps bring about clarity,which is the foundation for good healthy relationships.Enjoy life to the fullest,you only go around once. Peace

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  • les I apologize for taking so long to return the the love sent to my page by all my fufamily thanks for being patient.
    10 years ago · Comment
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