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44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Polk, LA · Joined on February 2, 2006 · Born on June 10th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Polk, LA · Joined on February 2, 2006 · Born on June 10th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

I haven't updated this thing in a really long time so here goes. I'm a proud dad of my one year old son Nathan Jr. In the Army and stationed at Ft. Polk, Louisiana (hating it) getting ready to go on deployment at the end of this year. I love tattoos...especially on women. I'm loyal, honest to a fault, love sports 'n all that other guy stuff cars etc... if there's anything else you want to know just ask, but don't ask a question that you don't truely want the answer to.

44 Year Old · Male · From Fort Polk, LA · Joined on February 2, 2006 · Born on June 10th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Tattoos, music, cars, anything that gets my adrenaline going, and of course sex.
No rap or country and i'm fine

Activity Feed

  • dorixbabyShortfuze
    Hello, i hope you are fine,I saw your profile here,and i decided to communicate with you, it will be my pleasure if you will be my friend, please you can contact me through my private e-mail here, (dorislakarme/@/y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m) for picture and tell myself,Regards , Doris.

    12 years ago · Reply
  • 16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Shortfuze
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    16 years ago · Reply
  • gretchenShortfuze
    _________________________s$__________ ____s _________________.s$$_________ ____s$ ________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$, ___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__ _.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__ __³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___ __³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, ` ____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__ ___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ ___________`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$___s³ ________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$³__s$³ _________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$ ______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__ ______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³__ ______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ _____s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$s ___$$s§§§§§§§§§s$$$$s§§§§§§§§§$$ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§s$s§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ___§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§ HEAVY §§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____³§§§§§§§§§ MELODIC §§§§§§§§§§§³ _____³§§§§§§ HAPPY GOTHIC §§§§§§§³ ______³§§§§§§§§ CHICK §§§§§§§§§³ ________³§§§§§§ ROCK §§§§§§§§³ __________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§³ _______________³§§§§§³ _________________³§³ Thanks for rolling with Gretchen!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
    just saying and rackin up a few points is all..have a great nite

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
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