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Updated score: Dannielle & God = 3 Cancer = ZERO!!!!*sound of applause* I just want to say THANK YOU to each and every person here on LC who sent me well-wishes and prayers while I was going through all the medical drama! You guys rock, and are the main reason I got through it with my sanity still intact! I love you all!Danni(HEY GUYS!!!! I DO NOT intend to cheat on my fiance' with YOU, OR cyber with you! I like chatting with everyone, but, FROM NOW ON: IF YOU ASK ME REPEATEDLY ABOUT SEX, (POSITIIONS, WHAT I LIKE/DONT LIKE; DO I DO THIS, ETC....NOT ONLY WILL YOU BE REMOVED AS MY FRIEND, BUT I WILL BLOCK YOUR SORRY ASS!!!!!! Thank you. ~Dannielle (fed up with the fucking perverts that won't take no for an answer..I dont mind being told I look nice, hot, etc. BUT I DONT WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR PENIS, ok? thanks.)P.S. Good grief, I cannot believe I am actually having to put this here: IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT KILLING YOURSELF, DO NOT EXPECT ANY KIND OF FRIGGIN SYMPATHY FROM THIS GIRL! I HAVE CANCER, AND I THINK ABOUT DEATH ON A DAILY BASIS, AND ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT & PRECIOUS LIFE IS!!!! IF ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS WHINE & FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF, AND TAKE YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE FOR GRANTED, THEN KINDLY DELETE ME FROM YOUR FRIEND'S LIST NOW, 'CAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (YES, this IS directed at ONE person, who I will NOT name, as it would only give him too much of the attention he is grasping for in the wrong way entirely, plus, I do not believe in making personal attacks via the internet...it's just not cool. All I can say is if I get ONE more comment/message/bulletin from this person talking about how he wants to die, I am not only gonna delete him, I am going to block him! Mr. Nameless, I hope you read this and take heed, I'm done with your dramatic bullshit! Get a clue man, talkin crap like that does NOT gain you any sympathy, just makes you look like a dumbass. Sorry, but it's the truth.You Are 70% WeirdYou're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!How Weird Are You?I am 36 years old , a natural brunette with blue eyes. I am a retired tattoo artist, and the mom of two beautiful daughters, ages 16 and 20. I have a pretty good personality(at least that's what I'm told), as well as a decent sense of humor(even if it's a lil bit dark at times). I live with my fiance', J, and his family (mom, dad, 16-yr-old brother). I love to chat online with my friedns, LOVE to take pictures (of anyone/anything...amateur photography buff), and spend whatever time I am not here, honing my photoshop skills,lol. Yes, I am such a computer dork, but hey, I am havin a blast! As will become readily obvious to most everyone, I am very into photography and photoshop. Since I had to retire from tattooing, it is probably my most artistic form of self-expression now. If you like the pics you see here, PLEASE go rate my photos, as 95% of them are not only of me, but are my own work. YES, I am an amateur, but damn it's fun testing the limits of what I can do with an image."Good girls are just bad girls that didn't get caught!"You Are a Very Bad GirlYou are 10% Good and 90% BadAs they say, good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere!You make most bad girls look like angels - and have a hell of a time along the way.Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?Heyas! If you like the pics above, and would like me to photoshop one of yours for you, send me the pic in a message, and I will gladly fix it up and drop it in your omment box.:D ~Dannielle, the mad photoshop queen!