Joined on February 16, 2013
Born on November 30th
Joined on February 16, 2013
Born on November 30th
Latest Status
Billy68 Virgin to this site, always UP for pointers!
ThunderWoman US... click on FAN ME to fan ppl too. You will definately need fans to level up in the coming levels soon. That will help you tremendously
ThunderWoman US... Anytime you click on someone's pic or their name, their profile will come up. You can send Friend Requests by clicking on FRIEND ME under Friend Options.
ThunderWoman US... If you click on my picture or my name, my profile will open up. When it does, on the left side of the page is a long list of words beginning with Private Message then Chat and Video Chat then Friend Options. Click on FAN ME which is below Friend Options
Yes,"Shitfaced" is a real good thing on fubar. You get 100% points when you do stuff when you are shitfaced(100% buzz meter), and 10% less when you are not shitfaced