Politics: I am more than interested in seeing that our elected officials never serve more than two terms in office. Lets keep crime to a minimum.
Sports: Naturally I'm an Alabama fan. What more can I say.
Music: I am a convert from Rock to new country and loving it.
Recreation: I like the beach, swim every now and then. Look for sea shells. I enjoy walks in the parks, nature has got it going on.
Friends: I make a big distinction between people I know, acquaintences and friends. My real friends I will do anything I can for and vice versa.
Relationships: Like 99.9% of the world, I'm still looking
Addictions: I'm in a battle to quit smoking cigarette's, maybe one of these days I'll get past that 30 - 60 day mark.
True addictions: I am a fishing freak! I have to be, who else goes out in 5 - 7 foot seas? I prefer calm conditions but as a true junkie I have to get my fix at least every 10 days or so.