61 Year Old
From Pink Hill, NC·
Joined on January 1, 2013
Born on December 9th
I am doing this to help my sister thundrwoman, I will still try to do my best, she will bug me anyway to keep doing stuff up here lol. but I love her so I will do it
61 Year Old
From Pink Hill, NC·
Joined on January 1, 2013
Born on December 9th
My only idol is God
Latest Status
MotherHen bbrrrr the temp is dropping suppose to be in the teens tonite
JrDodge Brrr, That sucks... 40's and 50's here but rainy as hell! Lol.
liked rated fanned n friended have a very warm welcome around these parts everyone calls me Sven but only a few have called me Alex! have a nice stay and if you need anything at all please feel free to drop me a line