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63 Year Old · Male · From Madison, SD · Joined on July 3, 2012 · Born on December 1st · I have a crush on someone!
63 Year Old · Male · From Madison, SD · Joined on July 3, 2012 · Born on December 1st · I have a crush on someone!

I am a 50 year old with a full plate. I am the manager of a very well known retail store and that occupies most of my time. I have 4 cats and a Ball Python that is about 5' long. Of course I raise mice to feed her as well. I like to cook and I am very good at it when I have energy left over from work. I am a loyal friend to anyone that finds their way in. I served 8 years in the infantry and now believe it was the best time of my life. I served 2 years in Germany and that was great. I have done many jobs in my life and don't believe in freeloading. I have driven truck, logged, owned my own computer store, and had a few other jobs to include my now management job. I consider myself to be a lover. I like to cuddle, go for walks, or just sit with the person I care about and be close. I don't like conflict in or outside of a relationship. Don't get me wrong I can deal with it but don't like it. Life is too short. I believe in honesty in all things. There are two things that really get me going and that is a lair and a thief. Every time a person lies or steals a part of themselves is lost until all that remains is the lie.

63 Year Old · Male · From Madison, SD · Joined on July 3, 2012 · Born on December 1st · I have a crush on someone!
I am the usual guy. I like sports, fishing, going out and having fun. I also enjoy just a quite night watching tv. I can have fun doing anything, even work. Sounds bad doesn't it. Well I beleive as much time as we spend at work you had better enjoy it or find something else to do.
I enjoy all type of music except RAP and Heavy Metal. 1st is probably country, then christian, then anything from there.
I like sci-fi, action, thriller, and horror.
My fathre is my idol. He was an incredible man who lost his battle with cancer.
Video Games
I play a few facebook games mostly casino type, that is about all I have time for.

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