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38 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 16, 2012 · Born on January 1st
38 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 16, 2012 · Born on January 1st

I'm an all around genuine guy people say I'm charming but I can be a complete rAtard sometimes lol usually I'm shy but once you get to know me I can be like a ninja turtle on crack hahaha jk but ya I work so damn much barely have time to do anything I have off sats and suns which is nice but usually just end up staying home cuz im so beat from the long week or work. I work at my fam's restaraunt literally do everything except cook but I can cook as well if it calls for it. Haven't really gotten out much the last year kinda been in iso mode staying to myself cuz I was focused on losing a ton of weight which I did total of 120 lbs now that im in better shape I feel like I need to get out more and have some fun while im still young. I like all kinds of movies mainly gangster flix though but I do enjoy a good comedy once in a while. I get along with all walks of life just like I do when I'm at work im a chameleon blend in anywhere lol but yep wana know more about me hit me up!

38 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 16, 2012 · Born on January 1st
My true passion used to be music cuz I used to rap but then ended up giving it up to help run the family business. But anything fun interests me lol pretty easy to please really a good convo a good meal and lots of laughs are a must. I like rap,hip hop. r&b, trance techno anything my ears like iunno lol Movies tv addicted to the internet but aren't we all lol

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  • Sapid very Piqu...pinstripe87
    "Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers... and single Moms! much luv ! if your not a father, want to be? just kidding... this is YOUR DAY... enjoy it with your family!" LIKED AND RATED... SMILES

    12 years ago · Reply
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