accepting CHRIST into my life,quick wit, awkward moments, amazing smiles, tattoos, the power of geekism, confidence, "THE SECRET" ( if you dont know what that is look it up its great) Good music, good wine, smokey ol pool rooms n clear mountain mornings, the anti-california act, ( I just made that up),baby feets,smilin old ladies,lil kids that say truck with an f instead, ( now thats just funny), still love the Mikey Morning Show, I hate dust and all that makes it,chuck taylors,57 chevys,ppl who when exactly when to shut up, corney jokes,rollercoasters,baby feet, guys with pompadores,men who have served our country, myspace,CHERRYTAP,my other bff jani, sheets right out of the dryer,and watchin someone fall..( it never gets old)<--if theyre not hurt of coarse ,October, My kids chinky lil eyes when they wake up,Hannahs toes..( xactly liek her dads) , justins freckle on his thumb ( i love dat feckle!).n lots,lots more
um music music.. so freakin much i love.. im a ridiculous metallica fan, love KISS, judis preist, alice cooper , ac/dc.. even dabble in soem johnny cash n waylen jennings.. im all about the hardcore girl punk bands.. n psychobilly.. music is a huge part of who i am.. cant do rap at all tho.. just makes me wanna smack somebody.. ha.i mean more than i normally do!