(slips on my ninja gear grabs my rainbow set of sharpie markers sneaks in your room an catches on puter ties your shoelaces to chair screams GOTCHA!! as ya jump and hit floor i jump on ya and draw smiley faces all over your face and Dreams WAS HERE! on your forehead and runs off giggling) GOT YA!!! hugs!!!
(sneaks in your room all super ninja style sees ya sitting at puter quietly glides under your chair ties your shoe laces together jumps up ans SCREAMS!!) GOTCHA!!!! (runs out room giggling as i here ya crash and hit the floor) DRIVE BY HI DARLIN!!!! heehee
Demon!!!! Woot woot ! How ya doing darlin? Ummm kinda got us killed in mafia again ( gives most innocent look) don't know how that keeps happening lmfao!!!
Drive by HI!!!! (swerves in slaps your hiney, blows ya kiss at 80mph and speeds off texting and jamming to Nickelback on the radio and grinning wickedly) WoooHooo!!!!