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39 Year Old · Male · From New Cumberland, PA · Joined on January 23, 2006 · Born on September 5th
39 Year Old · Male · From New Cumberland, PA · Joined on January 23, 2006 · Born on September 5th

I'm 20 years of age, and I play the guitar. I also have a good paying, steady job. The nice part is that the job allows me to concentrate on music. So the bills are always paid and I'm always buying new guitars. It's a pretty good life. I work in the wholesale salvage field. We buy overstock, and returns from places like Costco, BJ's, Sam's Club, the like. We then sell these items to YOU, the consumer at unbelievably low prices. The nice thing is the job is very laid back. I get payed well, and I enjoy the work. And occasionally I get the pleasure of firing people. I just love those days. I enjoy the position I have because it gives me a lot of responsibility; I.E. I have employees under me who I'm responsible for, I hire them, I fire them, I tell them what to do. It's actually the first job I've had where I actually do some serious business. Anywho, enough about the job.
Like I said earlier, it's all about the music. There are very few things that I do well, but thankfully blues guitar is one of them. I just immerse myself in this music thing, and hopefully something will come out of it. As for now, I'm just trying to get some playing time somewhere bigger and better than all the local bars. Although, most of the bars pay pretty well. Anyway, if you have questions, comments, criticisims, or death threats, please let me know.

39 Year Old · Male · From New Cumberland, PA · Joined on January 23, 2006 · Born on September 5th
Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com

I'm outrageously involved in music, whether it be preforming, writing, producing, and what have you. I am a die hard rock and roll fan, to the death. I refuse to listen to the crap they put on MTV and call rock and roll. There is not a single thing that is played on MTV worth watching. You'd be better off watching CMT. At least there you'd see some people who can play instruments (skillfully) and write their own songs. Rock and Roll is a very large neblous and hard to define thing. It incoporates everything from Eric Clapton to Black Sabbath, and everything inbetween.
Now this isn't to say that I don't like other types of music. I love country, and folk, and blues, and bluegrass, and as far as rap goes I really like Taleb Kwalie. (I'll be damned if I spelled his name right.)
The moral of the story is, if you're listening to music without lyrical or musical/instrumental substance, you shouldn't even bother listening.
A few of my personal favorites;
Led Zepplin
The Beatles
The Who
Eric Clapton
The Band
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Jimi Hendrix
Dave Matthews
Union Station
Paul Simon
James Taylor
Joe Walsh
The Eagles
Pink Floyd
Stevie Wonder
ZZ Top
And entirely too many more to mention.
Last of The Mohicans
Easy Rider
Fear and Loathing
American Beauty
Garden State
Batman Begins
Many other various and asundry movies, these just happen to be the ones on my mind as we speak.
Eric Clapton
Billy Gibbons
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Many, many more, but after those three it's hard to keep going

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