Lordkaosgam Well since i got a bunch of likes and no one share i will go first ....The best sex i had in 2017 was at mari gras in st louis. I wasnt unbearably chilli that day but i wad FuBar so to speak so to hell with the cold i got half sexy half naked women flashing,good food,great music,better choice of liquor so long story short i brought someone with me this year (Samantha) and we had sex under the main stage with a live band playing over us. Talk about blood pumping rush when a came the band finished thier last set the crowd going ape shit and we got from under the stage.... Only to find out that we could be seen by the crowd and a standing ovation in which we thought was for the band was for us... Even the band on staged clapped for us so fuck it we to a bow and continue the day there....