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59 Year Old · Male · From Rocklin, CA · Invited by: 614162 · Joined on February 15, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 27th · I have a crush on someone!
59 Year Old · Male · From Rocklin, CA · Invited by: 614162 · Joined on February 15, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 27th · I have a crush on someone!

Hi, I thought I would give this a try. I'm looking for someone to hang out with or something casual. I have a wide variety of interests: I have been very active in sports and some of the sports have participated in high school and college football. I also computing judo, and the Scottish Highland Games. I enjoy lifting weights. I like most kinds of music, however my taste run more towards country and rock, so I love for the occasional concert. I'm single never married, came close a time or two. I don't have any children. Also, I am a stable, employed, homeowner that's tired of the club scene. Don't get me wrong Im not a homebody. I'm always up for going out. Looking forward to hearing from you, Bryan

59 Year Old · Male · From Rocklin, CA · Invited by: 614162 · Joined on February 15, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 27th · I have a crush on someone!
Please fill out the below application if you want to be a booty call for this person.
Name: ___________________
Age: ____________________

Phone: ___________

Occupation: ____________________

Height______ Weight______

Married(Y/N)__ Single(Y/N)___ Other_________

Sexual Orientation: __________

How often do u wanna have sex?(check appropriate answer)

Daily__ Weekly__ Monthly__ As much as possible_

How long can u last? (check appropriate answer)

1min ___ 15min__ 30min__ 1hr__ all nite___

Do u like Giving oral sex? (Y/N)___

What could you do for me that no one else could?:

Which do u prefer? (check appropriate box)

One on one__ Doubles__ Group___

While having sex, what do u do? (place "X" in all appropriate boxes)

Faint__ Cry__ Moan__ Wiggle__ Twist__ Jerk about__ Pant__ Sweat___ Scream__ Hum__ Whistle__ Just lie there__ List three positions u like:
What is ur preferred pace? (place "X" in appropriate spaces)

Slow__ Fast__ Very fast__ Rigorous___
Do you like rough sex?

No__ Sometimes__ Always__
Do you like to talk dirty?

No__ Sometimes__ Always__
When is the best time to reach u? (place "X" in appropriate spaces)

Morning__ Afternoon__ Nite___
How late can u stay out? (place "X" in appropriate spaces)

11-12am__ 1-2am__ all nite___

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