FKN SINNER Hi!! I need your help please for a level requirement!! If you could return the drink I send, hit my page and leave a profile comment I will pay you 100,000fu and will bomb ya!! Thanks!!
fIfTy ShAdEs Hello! Welcome To Fubar!
*~*~*~*~Blueroses~ Was Here
I'm Leavin On your Page
Please Comment Me Back! It Must Be A Comment.
Not Status! While You Are Still Green! It Must be in this section!! Anything will do! Please help Me!
It Is A Leveling Requirment for Me!!
Thank You!
Welcome to Fubar!! If you could, I need drinks from newbies as part of my leveling requirements. Could you click on the"Send Drink" link on the left of my page and I will return the favor with a full Buzz Meter for you! It increases your points when you are"shit faced" Thank you in advance!!