A friend is one who sees your first drop of tear, Catches the second, Stops the third & turns the fourth into a Smile!!! My friend ALWAYS Keep Smiling Hugs..good morning
May you have the strength of Eagles' wings,the faith and courage to fly to new heights,and the wisdom of the universe to carry you there hugs..good morning
May the warm winds of heaven blow gently on your house, and may the great spirit bless all who enter.May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulderHugs..good evening
Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you..Poetic kisses
True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally. Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what the circumstances are. True Friends are the friends worth living for hugs..good morning