Born in innocence many trials are placed before us it is in how we act upon them that determines our heart. It is in the love we are shown we find our gentle heart but in the pain we know that we find our strength..& it is in our learning the balance held within the two that we shall find our peace(h)
I am your sister, I am your brother..I am your child, I am your Mother(h) I am your neighbor, I am a stranger..I am your friend, I am your lover:)So many we meet in our journey through life, each touching in part the very essence of our being(h) Some are given, some we may find..but all are so very special in our hearts & our mind:) Please my friend as we journey our path today take note of all that we passing look into the heart & ponder what link in my path is this one to me(h)
May you have the strength of Eagles' wings..the faith and courage to fly to new heights..and the wisdom of the universe to carry you there hugs..please have a wonderful day
polished your bling ,rated you,fanned you,friended you: 
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