53 Year Old
Pelion, SC
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Joined on January 1, 2007
Born on January 29th
1 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone and 1 person has a
crush on me!
i live in south carolina ,i am from new york,i love it here ,hate drivin here,but its all good ,im a tile setter ,i work for myself,i love the beach ,i'll try anything onice,twice just to make sure and 3 times if i like it,, u can never go to fast unless ur going the worng way,over all im pretty easy to get along with ,,most of the time i just want to dance,,have fun and enjoy my life ,im divorced ,thats kinda new to me but ,life is not with out its ups and downs ,,,so have fun,and smile,,,,,,,brad
53 Year Old
Pelion, SC
Invited by:
Joined on January 1, 2007
Born on January 29th
1 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone and 1 person has a
crush on me!
going to the beach,playin pool ,swiming in the back yard ,,,DANCIN,,anything outside ,anything new,