46 Year Old
Invited by: 366975·
Joined on December 8, 2006
Born on May 22nd
·1 referrals joined!
"...Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning.A non-functioning mind is clinically dead.Believe in nothing..."Maynard James Keenan I am sarcastic, self-righteous, and arrogant. I have a genreally very low opinion of most people ( no offense). I don't really respect other people's beliefs, for the most part, but I try to fake it for the sake of courtesy.I am fiercely anarchistic and iconoclastic. I also like using big words.I despise organized religion even more than the government; if you need someone else's guidance to find god, someone should just shoot you now and put you out of our misery.I try to be a good freind, but I come across as a cold bastard more often than I would like.I prefer the family I choose rather than the one handed to me by genetics.To quote Crowley,'Every Man and Every Woman is a Star', we are all little shards of divinity and we should carry ourselves accordingly. There's nothing wrong with being who we are, even when who we are is bad people, and if there is such a thing as sin, it lies solely in denying your true self.TheoHow can I talk about myself and not mention her? She is my everything. I made this numerology chart once based on both our names. her number was 9, mine was 1. If you know anything about numerology, you do the math.Check her out, I've got pics of her and her beautiful children on my page.
46 Year Old
Invited by: 366975·
Joined on December 8, 2006
Born on May 22nd
·1 referrals joined!
I read EVERYTHING, seriously, like 70-100 pages an hour if it's interesting. I have a very heavy, life-long interest in the occult, alternative ways of thinking, the expansion of the mind. I write, but not as often as I should.
I love fantasy, horror, science fiction, the darker the better.
What else to say? These things are always so innacurrate. If you want to know something about me, ask somebody else. I'd probably lie, and if they know me well, they'll tell you a funnier story.
I like the Happy Tree Friends. They make me happy. Oh so very happy.
Battlestar Galactica is the motherfrakin shit.
Where to begin? There are few things I value more in life than music. For starters:
TOOL. The one, the only, the greatest. I had a life-altering spiritual experience at my first Tool show and my life hasn't been the same since.
Other than that, no list could possibly include all of the music that I love, or has influenced me. A random few, just off the top of my head:
We Black Sheep
Hed (PE)- these guys don't get nearly the respect they deserve
Gnarls Barkley-short but sweet
Damien Marley, love some Jr Gong
Tori Amos
Man, I could keep going for a while, but you get the drift...
Jesus, I'm not even gonna start. I love a good story, what else can I say.
Darth Vader
Reverend Morbid Mac
Strict_9 Mind
Bear (I hate calling you that)
Zach de la Rocha
Israel Regardie
Maynard Keenan & crew
excuse me...you stopped by my page and didn't even bother to leave a comment...how very rude of you.:)when matt gets his ass over here, you are very welcome to visit!it will be good times for sure.