70 Year Old
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on May 25th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Not much to say. I am a simple country girl that loves life and all it has to offer. I am here to make new friends only. I have a Wonderful Husband and am very Happy. So if you are looking for more then a friend....sorry.
70 Year Old
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on May 25th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
You have just been blown a kiss! You have been considered ONE of the"SWEETEST FRIENDS" on my friends list. Once you have been tagged, you have to tag your friends that you think are sweet (including the one who sent it to You) and let them know they are SWEET!!!if you recieve:-----------------1 - 3 ( ur sweet )4 - 6 ( ur cute )7 - 12 ( ur Efing H0T!!!!)
hello sweetness ,hey i have a friend (astro-man) that just joined CT and he needs some luvin could u stop by and say Hi and add him to help him out and rate his pics he will do the same in return thanks 91dodge440
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