52 Year Old
From Jackson, MI·
Invited by: 481283·
Joined on December 6, 2006
Born on March 22nd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
52 Year Old
From Jackson, MI·
Invited by: 481283·
Joined on December 6, 2006
Born on March 22nd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
For all of shorty's friends to know who did not yet know he passed 2/21/2007, and that is why he has not answered your messages.
Hello 34/m 6'9 tall 265lbs and in Michigan. I Lokk like mr clean shaved smooth head,earrings and blonde/redish goatie and mustache, I ain't gotta bullshit anyone and i can't deny it,I SMOKE WEED! Any everyone calls me SHORTY
52 Year Old
From Jackson, MI·
Invited by: 481283·
Joined on December 6, 2006
Born on March 22nd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I like shooting pool and darts, drinkin a lil and smokin weed, and hangin out with frienda and havin a good time
Hey bro I kno uv been gone fer years now but I still miss ya like crazy . Still wonna wish u a happy birthday from yer lil brother I hope to see u again someday.. Love u an miss u big bro..
hey bro just stoppin by to say hi and we miss yea. i just looked at yer pics and im deffently going to miss you scetching up new cars and trucks .so if you get bored up there at night you sould hool up the ski with one of those kick ass pics of yours . love always yer little bro jo jo .
hey bro its getting a little nicer out getting the truck out still waiting to here from dad and sis what to do with yers , but ill find a way i miss you so much . jibbz is doing so well but you can tell he misses you too .well sleep well my friend .and remember my door is aways open .....
hey bro i know youll never read this but , we really miss you man . wish you could have been at yer birthday party, we had a cake and beer. im a glad your not hurting enymore .i just wish could be here and not be hurting .. ya know what im sayin . missed ya on easter.. so happy easter. yer little bro and friend forever.
Damn man, there's never enough time in the world. With each loss of a friend's life, I feel mine getting shorter. I hope you found peace and are happy.
R I P SHORTY you where like the big brother i never had you so much more then a friend you where family. me ,cara and the kids will miss you always .. sleep well bro .we will hang together again someday..love yer second family the maples... :(