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55 Year Old · Female · From CHUCKEY, TN · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 24th · 19 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
55 Year Old · Female · From CHUCKEY, TN · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 24th · 19 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

You have a sexual IQ of 141


When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
MyHotComments.com : 4,000 Graphics and Pics
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Using your hands


Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your hands. You are damn good with them, and know how to make your lover feel incredibly sexy with just one caress.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

You are 100% fuckable!


Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

You are sexy.


You instantly attract. You find it extremely easy to seduce someone as all it takes is a look in their direction.

'What is your seduction style?' at QuizUniverse.com

Hosted By SparkleTags.com
Hosted By SparkleTags.com

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
***You Are 88% Evil***

You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!

How Evil Are You?


Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover


You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires.

And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek.

You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships.

It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is.

Aquarius - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You've got a ton of friends, so you have no problem meeting new people.

You're great at thinking up new things and activities to do with your sweetie.

You tend to let the little things slide in relationships... and focus on the bigger picture.

Your negative traits:

In relationships, it tends to be your way or the highway.

You can never open up completely to someone - you have to keep parts of yourself secret.

You're cold and reserved, which leaves your partner feeling unloved.

Your ideal partner:

Flexible, because you're not going to be the one to compromise!

Is smart and quirky with lots of weird interests... including you.

A true individualist who doesn't care what anyone thinks

Your dating style:

Stimulating. You prefer dates that explore a shared interest - like a lecture, muesum tour, or concert.

Your seduction style:

Wacky. Your wild ideas have your lover wondering what's next.

Insatiable - it takes a lot to satisfy your desires.

Varied. You're eager to try things as soon as you learn about them.

Tips for the future:

Bring a little responsibility to your relationship - like showing up for dates!

Compromise a little. It would kill you to do things your lover's way for once.

Be aware of your partner's jealousy. Even though you aren't jealous, realize your partner is sometimes.

Best color to attract mate: Sky blue

Best day for a date: Wednesday

Your Body Image is 36% Unhealthy, 64% Healthy

You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself.

Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it!

You Are 8% Pure

You've been a very bad girl or boy...

And you probably enjoyed every minute of it.

You Are 68% Sociopath

The good news is that you're devastatingly charming.

The bad news? You mostly use those charms for evil!

You Scored a 73% as good sexer!

You are good in bed, we should all be like you. Or maybe you're just having too much sex. Only freaks score this high...lol!

Are you good in bed?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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Are You In Love Quiz
100% done

Your ResultYour Result

No, You're Not In Love Sorry, but this isn't true love. If you're not sure if he's worth sacrificing certain things, like moving cross country, or a dream job, then you're not sure you really love him. And if you have to take a quiz to make sure, then that's not a good sign either. If you're not friendly with his family (or at least making an effort) and if you're not on good terms with your friends, this could be a sign of an unhealthy relationship. Spending too much time together isn't true love, it's an infatuation, and those get worn out quickly. Give it time to see if the relationship develops into something real, but for now, it ain't true love.

55 Year Old · Female · From CHUCKEY, TN · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 24th · 19 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
Tammy --


100% kinky

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

karmasutraposition.jpgKarma Sutra Position

Your Karma Sutra Position is
The Tortoise

Seated face to face, his toes caress the lovely woman's nipples, her feet press his chest and they make love holding each other's hands
Get Your Karma Sutra Position at NaughtyQ.com


What type of masterbator are you?

...~Soft Masterbator~... You like soft things, you want to see them blush maybe, lightly touch themselves.. You like to tease yourself, but never really come to an orgasm, hey maybe you and The pain over there should get together maybe have balance..
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What type of Romantic are you?

WOAH! Hubba hubba hubba. Got any friends just like you? Because you know I got some friends who could really use alot of ppl like you. You have to have girl and guys crawlin all over you 24/7. Mind if I come over? ^.~ >>;;;
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You Were a Swan

You are a spiritual soul who sees into the future.

You are also good at interpreting dreams - those of yourself and others.

You Are 41% Addicted to Love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love.

You've been a fool for love many times - but are you the wiser for it?

Your needs should come first, both in and out of relationships.

Because you're the only one who can look out for yourself!

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.

That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!

The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.

Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.

You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.

Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.

As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

hot.gifTake the Hot Date Quiz at QuizRocket.com!
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Your ResultYour Result

S Your valentine's name begins with the letter S! Do you know who it is? If not, keep an eye out, because you'll meet them very soon.

Video Games

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

What Drink are You Quiz - What Kind of Drink are You?
100% done

Your ResultYour Result

Mixed Drink You're young, fun, good-looking, and tasty. You like to stir things up. You're a Mixed Drink! And with all those ingredients, and funky names, you're probably also on the high-maintenance side as well. But you deserve the attention.

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  • WHITETIGER YOU JUST WOKE UP IN MY BED NAKED NEXT TO ME...using 3 words what would you say to me? If you comment you must post as your status so I can comment on yours. See what the others say !!
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