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Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Born on February 2nd
Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Born on February 2nd

Can't you trip like I do?

My kung-fu is undeniable and I am an outlaw in Peru. Even though I am a private citizen I receive fan mail. I once single handedly fought off a ship load of pirates while wearing a dashing tuxedo. I was asked to lead a small European country that I had never been to, I had to turn them down because it would have taken time away from my lunar mission. I am beloved by children and the elderly. I am both radioactive and invisible to modern radar. I am made of an indestructible titanium alloy yet still have the delicious fragrance of baked bread. I am difficult to spot with the unaided eye. I have the hoary powers of the occult, while still being a master of countless scientific disciplines. I both walk the walk AND talk the talk. I have won countless world shuffleboard championships and have grown county fair winning radishes. The wikipedia entry about me is written in ancient Sumerian and is the topic of endless scholarly debate. I once rocked out so hard it destabilized the orbit of the ISS. On quiet mornings I re-invent forms of teleportation. People on the street ask for my autograph for no apparent reason. I receive critical acclaim yet remain a humble man of the people.


Ooooookay, here's the real deal:

What you see is what you get. I am pretty much 100% no bullshit. I am a bit distant and more prone to those who value conversation over static. (i.e. I like dialog, not monologue) I'm a single midwestern guy. Gainfully employed and doing ok. I am an eclectic mix of conservative values about some things (I am a die hard libertarian) and non-value judgments about others (your life, and how you choose to lead it is your own. As long as it doesn't cause harm to others.)

I have a very, very, very dry sense of humour. Assume irony over insult if you come into question during a conversation with me. I love to cook, an ice cold beer and a good book. It takes very little to make me happy.

I don't do hidden agendas.

I am something of an H.P. Lovecraft junkie, if you don't know who that is, and like horror fiction, write me.

While I like fubar and have had some interesting conversations, the whorish popularity contest aspect of the place kind of freaks me out. Please don't ask me to get in some sort of ratings fest to promote whomever (including yourself).

Honestly I really don't care. If I like you and what you are up to I will rate the hell out of all your stuff. But really isn't this more about talking and meeting one another then some sort of who gets to wear the tiara at the end of the day sort of horseshit?

Talk to me, I'll talk to you. It is that easy.

Like life should be.



I'm a simple midwestern boy that sacrifices to Elder Gods and hates anything to do with faith, superstition or the things that oppose reason.

I love kindness, altruism, charity and you if you feel the same way I do.


I am currently kind of exhausted and bloodied by the economy but still standing and fighting.

If you ABSOLUTELY need to find me outside of here: I am:

Matt *dot* Cowger AT Gmail (dot) Com

Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Born on February 2nd
If it is considered nerdy in some way I am probably in to it. I am a published writer and scifi/fantasy/horror buff. If you need to know something useless, I probably know it.

Plus remember that while it is free to rock or rhyme to rock or rhyme that's right on time it's tricky. Tricky, tricky, tricky.


You should be watching:



Can I just make a quick list of some CT things that annoy me and some suggestions for behavior?

-People that talk (i.e. in messages, emails and so forth) like they are text messaging you. I assume you are sitting at a computer with a qwerty keyboard. Write like you have a basic grasp of the english language please. I will return the same courtesy to you. (If english is your second language and you are struggling a bit...all is forgiven. It is a pretty tough dang language.)

-Try, at least vaguely, to pay attention to what the other member of the conversation is saying. With out your own agenda or baggage or whatever. Focus on conversation vs. monologue.

-Hostility and insult are not the same thing as truth.

-Be considerate, I will return the same courtesy to you.

-Have a sense of humour, for without that You Are Lost.
I can't stop listening to my best of the Pixies and best of TSOL currently. I am doing some living in the past...

This obviously changes according to whim and mood.

Since about 1990 (shit, I just pretty seriously dated myself there didn't I?) I've been kind of having this on again off again obsession with this band Caterwaul. Something about the lead singers' voice. She's in a band now called PurrMachine (http://myspace.com/purrmachine) but I don't know if they are doing for me now what Caterwaul did then. Music for me is as much about time and psychological place as it is about the music itself. I suppose that is where I was going with yet another long winded bit of introspection.


"I believe in a ruling class...mostly because I rule."
-Randall Graves
Top Ten:

Citizen Kane
Apocalypse Now
Session 9
Dawn of the Dead (the new one)
The Thing
Video Games
I'm kind of a World of Warcraft head...but I am fighting the addiction. I'm on Echo Isles (Athrius - human mage) and Nazgrel (Mccracken - dwarf warrior)

I got a Nintendo DS, that stupid gadget is owning me.

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