47 Year Old
From Ridgecrest, CA·
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on September 6th
·1 referrals joined!
hy name is holly,i have 2 little boys justin 3, adrian1&1/2 my interest include watching wwe wrestling with my boys because they 2 will be wrestlers when they growup our favorits are johncena,dgenerationx,crimetyme,rickflair,rowdypiper,batista,reymysterio,chrisbeniot,undertaker,kane,theodorelong i love to watch horror movies when the kids are asleep,i also love listing to musicwith the kids my adrian trys to be a d.j by turning up the music & trying to change my c.d.s i also smoke cigarettes,& my favorite drink is mountaindew my two boys like rootbeer instead though
47 Year Old
From Ridgecrest, CA·
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on September 6th
·1 referrals joined!
my name is holly & i dont have alot of interest but my 2 children are at the top of the list both boys ages 1 &3 we watch wrestling together,& we love to listen to music especially country
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twolittlebratz What'i need one more person to fan me please fan me
i need one more person to fan me to level up pleas help me by fanning me
I'm Challanging Fubar members!if i can collect 1,500 Pink RibbonsI will shave my head LIVE ON CAM!Help me, Help a great cause?THANK YOU for your support!