Hello my new friend! I apologize for taking so long to get back to you but I have been very busy for the last month with real life stuff and I haven't had time to go through my friend requests until now. Better late than never I guess! I just wanted to make sure to come by to thank you for stopping by my page by leaving some Big Girl Luv on yours, so I took some time to tickle all your buttons while I was here. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Lots of Curvy Hugs and Luv for you. ~Synful Syntra~
Hey There!You have found the greatest online function around... *FUBAR.COM*So happy you came!You will have a ball here. If at anytime, you need some help,never hesitate to give a holla!!Well I know you will have a great time here You will make many friends at Fubar. Hope to see you soon.. AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!!To know a little about me, check my profile page!!So, if you're seriouslyTIRED OF THE BOREDOM,NOT BEING TREATED LIKE THE ADULT YOU ARE&DRAMAOr being *so called lured*by the glitz of promises,message me your email/yim and I'll hit you upto explain the workings of Fubar.I'LL BS YOU NOT!ALSOwe can explore the dark side & I'll tell you 1 of my secrets, I'm a 50+ Mommie & GrandMommiewho can hold her own,plus I know where they hide the chocolate chip cookies!Your Friendly NeighborhoodRedByrdI also perform Fu Weddings/Divorces&design some of the most elegant Fubar Wedding/Engagement/Divorce CertificatesNeed my services, give a holla!
Hello there handsome, welcome to Fubar! Let the Sin begin!!This is a great place to meet people and make great friends. Rated You an 11 just to get you started. You should check out our new lounge. *SinSations* The best of friends sticking together and making new ones. Come on by and tell them Sassy sent You.Have a few and on Us.Just copy this link:: http://www.fubar.com/lounge/sinsations::and come Sin with a grin Hope to see you there!! Sassy