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35 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Born on June 16th
35 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Born on June 16th

My name is Brooke. I'm 16 & a junior at Shores. I'm short (5'2'') and I love it. I have long hair that changes colors a lot, right now its dark brown/black. I’m one of the randomest (most random?) people you will ever meet – and I love that too. When you first meet me I come off as a major bitch - that's because I am, but pretty much if you're cool with me I'm cool with you and I won't be a bitch if I actually you. I hate girls that kiss boys with girlfriends, and even more, I hate the boys that let these girls kiss them. I can't stand when people judge other before they meet them, and I'm majorly guilty of constantly doing this. I don’t like whores, asshole guys, and people that start/spread rumors, but I love gossip :). I'm kind of conceited and I'll admit that I can be a little bit stuck up. I hang out with mostly guys, but I'm not a whore - far from it. All girls (including me, not gonna lie) cause drama, which I hate. Guys are easier to talk to and just more fun to hang out with. I have a tendency to talk way too much about random things and when I’m drunk I ask way too many questions about stupid stuff. I’m addicted to Myspace. I love being with my friends and partying, but sometimes I just like to spend the weekend at home watching T.V. and reading a good book. Budlight is amazing, as is Vodka, Mikes, Sparks, Captain, Jack Daniels, Miller High Life, & Natty Ice. I’m one of the few girls I know that actually likes beer. I hate AOL. Keggers are the best. Summer is my favorite, because I spend every day at the beach lying out, and I love having the tan line to prove it. I like camping. It makes me happy. It relaxes me. I’m a very jealous person, and it takes a lot to earn my trust. I think it’s disgusting when boys chew. I love the smell of cigarettes and cigars. I like Laguna Beach & Victoria’s Secret. Ripped jeans, sparkly things, big sunglasses, and heel are absolute love. I have really bad ADD & I have to take Ritalin. And no, I don’t sell it. I actually take it. Beer bonging is one of my new favorite things. I love cowboy hats. I bite my nails, and I swear too much. I can’t sleep with socks on. My dream car is a silver 1967 Corvette Stingray – convertible, of course. My screen name is BrookeAllyce69 and I want you to IM me.

35 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Born on June 16th
♥♥ abercrombie ♥♥ alcohol ♥♥ beer pong ♥♥ belly rings ♥♥ big sunglasses ♥♥ boys ♥♥ bubble baths ♥♥ chapstick ♥♥ clothes ♥♥ coffee ♥♥ cute boys ♥♥ dancing ♥♥ dreaming ♥♥ drinking ♥♥ eating ♥♥ eyeliner ♥♥ flirting ♥♥ friends ♥♥ glitter ♥♥ going online ♥♥ going to the beach ♥♥ going to the mall ♥♥ heels ♥♥ hanging out with friends ♥♥ heels ♥♥ hollister ♥♥ hugs ♥♥ kisses ♥♥ laguna beach ♥♥ laying out ♥♥ love ♥♥ makeup ♥♥ making out ♥♥ making snowmen ♥♥ meeting new people ♥♥ money ♥♥ movies ♥♥ music ♥♥ partying :) ♥♥ piercings ♥♥ pink ♥♥ purses ♥♥ ripped jeans ♥♥ shoes ♥♥ shopping ♥♥ singing ♥♥ sleeping ♥♥ sparkly stuff ♥♥ taking pictures ♥♥ talking ♥♥ tanning ♥♥ tattoos
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  • Someone ⇒ Brooke

    13 years ago · Reply
  • gretchenBrooke
    Thanks for rolling with Gretchen!!!_________________________s$__________ ____s _________________.s$$_________ ____s$ ________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$, ___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__ _.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__ __³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___ __³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, ` ____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__ ___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ ___________`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$___s³ ________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$³__s$³ _________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$ ______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__ ______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³__ ______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ _____s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$s ___$$s§§§§§§§§§s$$$$s§§§§§§§§§$$ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§s$s§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ___§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§ HEAVY §§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____³§§§§§§§§§ MELODIC §§§§§§§§§§§³ _____³§§§§§§ HAPPY GOTHIC §§§§§§§³ ______³§§§§§§§§ CHICK §§§§§§§§§³ ________³§§§§§§ ROCK §§§§§§§§³ __________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§³ _______________³§§§§§³ _________________³§³

    17 years ago · Reply
    just saying and rackin up a few points is all..have a great nite

    17 years ago · Reply
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