37 Year Old
Joined on December 21, 2005
Born on October 25th
On a serious note our society needs change. Yes we have the best nation in the world but that does not mean we have to be satisfied and stop proggressing. We have to start holding politicians accountable for thier actions. We have a nation that is suppossed to be the freeist nation in the world but yet we are so censored by the fcc its not funny. We are slowly being striped of our valued freedom and nobody seems to care. They say its in the interest of national security that laws like the patriot act and other similiar laws are passed but when u start taking freedoms that sets precedents for future situations. When we change our way of life and law to cater to the so called terrorist threat then they have already won. Nobody seem to ask the real questions on tv that a real american would ask these politician if they came to their block or hood.It seems that the government has forgotton that it was spawned to support the people. It seems to me that it works against the people. These politicians make laws that effect and govern 300 million people based on one persons experience. The government has so many double standards like the fact that your intelligent enough at 17 to join the military with parental consent but your not intelligent enough to drink until your 21. You would think that if you can kill and be killed for this country you would be able to drink with friends and family. The government only treats you as a fully fledged adult when you get in trouble. It says in the constitution that in order to get a fair trial you must be judged by a set of peers but when minors commit serious crimes like murder they are triad as adults. If they are triad as adults the government just ligetimizes the practice of going around the constitution to punish minors so that they can make examples out of people. What do you think would happen if they let minors vote and do other things that "adults" would do? I can tell you often that minors see through the bullshit the government puts out on a regular basis. I don't know about you but when i turned 18 I was an adult! and regardless what the government tries to tell me what I am allowed to do I will drink as much as I want because in the eyes of the law i am an adult and how can the government tell an adult that he or she cannot drink or gamble. This counrty as great as it is so far from the goals that the founding fathers thought of when they started this beautifull place. The reason that this nations founding fathers stipulated seperation between church and state when most were men of faith was that they understood that you cannot push your morals and opinions on other people because this nation wouldnt truly be free. It would confinded us to so called christian morals somewhat like the middle east where if u break so called muslim morals you could be stonned or killed in a public display to sway future actions. In our country you wouldnt be killed just discredited and viewed as a corrupted individual. We live in a society that everybody wants you to believe what they want you to believe and if you believe otherwise your unamerican. Some of our laws are designed to hold people back if they would make a mistake. I just cant believe that we as americans put up with the bullshit this government does. Its because we have so many lazy people. We should do our part to make sure the government doesnt seed away our indivdual freedoms away for the sake of "society" because when they do your just another number in "society" and you cant do anything because your freedoms have been takin away. i have never meet any politician in my life so the fact that these people determine what governs me is crazy! I have never voted for any of these people but yet again they come to power. The crazy part is that the same people run over and over again. I think that we are not as free as we think we are! Our government is supposed to be democratic but yet this govermnet displays traits of socialistic democracy. Which again means that our government would take individual freedoms for the sake of "society". Whats right for one person is right for the next! and last time i checked society didnt do anything for me! I worked my way up from the guttar with no government help and now the government wants to tax me to death!
37 Year Old
Joined on December 21, 2005
Born on October 25th
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