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35 Year Old · Female · From Tyrone, PA · Joined on October 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on March 15th
35 Year Old · Female · From Tyrone, PA · Joined on October 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on March 15th

well im never good at these things but ill give it a shot.... my name is angel, in 22 yrs young, love to party... my friends r the best neone could ask for.theyve always got my back n i have their...ive been told i can be too nice at times.i love to be outdoors... i love extreme sports like rafting, mtn climbing, caving, ect...i want to go skydiving someday i am very VERY random... i dont trust very eaisly nemore... i need to get to know u a lil b4 i open up to you but once u get me to that point i wont shut up lol... i love to read, write, draw, paint, or do nething creative...gotta get emotions out somehow right. my family means everything to me... i admit that i have screwed up in my life n they accept me for who i truly am. i will not change for neone... id rather b hated for who i am then loved for who im not... many ppl think that im stupid for giving 2nd chances but i believe that people can change for the better. i am not one to judge people. i am nowhere near perfect and ill be the first to admit that. i hate people who cause drame... theres no point in it. ur online ppl. winning an arguement online is like winning the special olympics. just be real and we will get along just fine... i try to prepair for the worst outta life so i wont be dissapointed. i have a few loves in my life and they know who they are. i dont know where id be without them. <3 im really nice unless you piss me off enough to get to my breaking point then there will be hell to pay. my family means the world to me... u mess with my sis u mess with me n trust me you do not want the wrath of a pissed off woman on your tail. i would seriously kill for that girl ... i am currently with the greatest guy so dudes kindly back off... i will talk to you and be a friend but thats as far as it goes...if u have the desire to know more about me just ask.... i dont bite.. much lol

35 Year Old · Female · From Tyrone, PA · Joined on October 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on March 15th
i love horseback riding, laying in the grass n watching the satrs, bubble baths, walking in the rain, cuddling on the couch, watching sunsets, candle lit dinners, home cooking, driving around with nowhere to go, sitting on the banks of a river, reading a good book, writing poetry if im in the mood, pain is pleasure.... its the little things that mean the most to me. heck im happy just staying at home n watching a good old horror film lol. love little surprises that let me know u care, enjoys drinking with my friends (sometimes a little too much) lol, rollor coasters are the shit Tentative.gif i live for extreme sports. i love tattoos and body piercings of all sorts.. u show me urs ill show u mine lol. i will kill for my friends n family... words of advice. u can mess w me all u want but do not drag my friends or family into it... i will make ur life hell. it takes me a good bit to get pissed but once i do it takes me a while to calm down. i hate fake people, people who think they r better than everyone else... c'mon ppl how hard is it to be real??? i hate drama queens. this isnt high school ppl... if the situtation calls for it i can kick some major ass,family is the most important thing in life. i am an animal lover... if it were my call id have a zoo lol. lazy days are the best, give me a good book and im good to go, horror movies r the best ( lots of gore is best), never take nething for grantid, learn from ur mistakes, never regret the past cuz at one point it was exactly what u wanted, one day u find the one person who makes u realize wht ppl from ur past never made it to ur presant, life is a gift thats y its called the presant, love like youve never been hurt, forgive and forget, kill your enemys with kindness... they hate that haha, never stop reaching for ur dreams... they r only out of reach when u stop reaching. aim for the moon cuz if u miss u will land amung the stars,take it one step at a time, never give up on sumone u caant go a day with out
system of a down, disturbed, 3 days grace, 3 doors down, slipknot, metallica, lady gaga, savage garden, katie perry, chris daughtry, leona lewis, i am x-ray, d.j.sammy, evenessance, hailstorm, nickelback, paramore, bryan adams, zeromancer, tim mcgraw, faith hill, gary allen, taylor swift, sara evans, keith urban. all american rejects, green day, simple plan, p.o.d., ne techno really lol.
dawn of the dead, day of the dead, 28ndays later, 28 weeks later,doom, the zombie diaries, whisper, dreamcatcher, see no evil, night of the living dead,american rejects, the hills have eyes, wrong turn,under world, x men, pet cemetary, sleep walkers, riding the bullet, 1408, house on haunted hill, i am legand, the lost boys, pitch black, the fasn and the furious...all of em, the exorcism of emily rose, an american haunting, 13 ghosts, silent hill, resident evil... all of em,nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th
i have many idols.... first off would have to be my mother.... no matter how many times i messed up she was always there to help me get back on my feet....

a close second would have to be my friends.... u know who u guys are. i dont know whaere id be without you. my friends have saved me from myself so many times its unreal.

third would have to be my father... we grew apart over the years but he taught me how to handle nething the world would throw my way. he was always just a phone call away

forth would have to be my sister tej.... girl we have been through so much. remember all the good times we have had, and how we helped each other through the bad... i honestly dont know where i would be without you

fifth would have to be anthony lalli... where do i even start with you??? you have seen me at my worst, and none of the best yet lol you helped pull me out of a darkness that i wouldnt have been able to escape on my own. you really have shown me what true happiness could be and for that i will be forever thankful... i love you with all my heart.. i dont ever want to let go

6th is my lil girl emily lucille.... you have changed my life so much already its unreal. i love you with all that i am and so much more. i see who i want to be in my daughters eyes. you will always be my baby

Video Games
gun, perfect dark,kingdom hearts, burnout all of them, guitar hero, super mario bros,the sims, spore, tetris, and the classics, pit fall. donkey kong. and pong lol

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