For those wondering, i am a real down to earth guy. i have done a lot in my life that some only dream of doing. I am musician by day and a bouncer by nite. i love working @ clubs and parties, always a good time

im a very athletic person i love playing football, basketball, baseball, i've even played ice hockey, that was a hoot. i like the outdoor lifestyle as well, from camping to fishing, dirt bikin, quading, shooting, and anything else i can do outside. if you want to know more please feel free to ask, and ill be happy to tell!
music is my life. i have been around musicians and and artists for most of life, myself being a vocalist i love meeting artists from every genre of muic. no matter your prefrence there is always a type of music to suit your personality and lifestyle. i have much love and respect to anyone who has the heart to make their dreams and goals come true