40 Year Old
From Fort Branch, IN·
Joined on July 18, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 28th
♥★ Yo Yo Yo What It Dooo? The names *aShLeY* but the Best call me *AsH* Yes this Lady is *SiNgLe* & She has the sweetest little voice that runs around calling her *MoMmY* His names *KrIsToPhEr* but only the best can call him *KrIs* He starts Kindergarten in August and he's totally excited for it*Me not so much* My Angel is growing up so fast* But enough about that, this is the ABOUT ME section so I guess I need to explain a little about me*This is gonna be FuN! Hmmm where to begin!?!?! Im shy til I get to know you, opinionated, sarcasm is the best, Ive got a perverted mind if I know you but its part of the sense of humor, I'll say anything to get you to laugh or smile, I get emotional sometimes way to easily, Im a friggin Pisces for crying out loud no wonder, Im the easiest person to get along with, I love having fun do whatever, I have my blonde moments even though Im far from being a blonde, I sometimes have a short attention span, Late at night I tend to talk to much when Im tired, I call myself fat and ugly because thats what I believe, I dont do it for attention or for you to say " Ur not fat or Ugly" if I say it I mean it, I wont bite my tongue to spare your feelings cause that just hurts, My family is full of assholes and I think Im the only one who has a heart sometimes but I guess thats a Family for you, no one is perfect, BUT I do have the best friends a girl like me could have, they are always here for me no matter what..I LOVE YOU GUYS...I love flipflops, you wont see me wear any other kind of shoe, music saves me on a sad day, I hate plain chocolate omg ewww, I say random stuff all the time, I fall for the wrong guys and I love it at first but then I hate it, Im confusing just like any other girl but Im not like other girls either, Im very different! Im oRiGiNaL ★♥
★♥ I hate being called sexy, hot, and baby by people. For some reason it drives me crazy and I just absolutely hate it, if you call me any of those please dont be alarmed when i get aggravated cause heres ur warning! Im not on here looking for love or any other kind of relationship, JUST FRIENDS is what Im here for...I got bored and this site is fun to me lol! If you decide to talk to me n ur wanting more than just friendship then u should probably make sure ur my type before getting your heartbroken because if ur not I will let you know before u start making ur moves... I dont play games and I dont like them played on me, and TRUST ME I know how they go, I adore the cute lil sayings u guys have these days, they just crack me up! If I bust ur bubble before u even try to start ur game, Im sorry! I love to joke around and have fun, so u must have a sense of humor and are able to take a joke, if not just keep on truckin! I have a serious side but it only comes out to play when its needed! If you would like to know anything else please dont hesitate to ask! I wont bite hard, I promise! ♥★
40 Year Old
From Fort Branch, IN·
Joined on July 18, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 28th
Latest Status
aShLeY Wow this place has changed ALOT since the last time I was on here :( cant figure anything out haha!
LONGBRANCH SALOONCome and check out the lounge that will ROCK YOUR WORLD24/7 Music & Live DJs taking your requests!We play what you want to hear! We love requests!Try out our jello wrestling tub or one of our dance poles!CAUTION !! You may find hot chics in there!!We have the coolest peeps on Fu!!!!Come on,and join the fun ! ! !