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Male · Joined on July 6, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!
Male · Joined on July 6, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!

Emmett McCarty was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen in 1935, two years after Rosalie Hale had been changed. When Rosalie came across him, Emmett was being mauled by a bear in the mountains of Tennessee. He had nearly died from the attack, but Rosalie saved him and carried him over a hundred miles back to Carlisle. Rosalie was noted as saying that it took nearly all her strength not to kill him. She also said that she brought him to Carlisle so that he, with his stronger endurance of human blood, could save Emmett. She also said that the reason behind having Carlisle save Emmett and not herself was because she was afraid that if she did it she would end up killing him. Emmett describes this experience as "being saved by an angel who brought him to God". Once Rosalie returned to Carlisle with Emmett, he was changed into a vampire. Many years later, Rosalie confessed to Bella that she saved Emmett from sure death because his innocence, dimples, and curly hair reminded her of her best friend Vera's child, Henry, and that ever since the day she saw Henry she always wanted a baby just like him.
After his painful transformation, Rosalie and Carlisle explained to Emmett that he was a vampire. This did not upset him, however, like Rosalie and Carlisle had thought it would. He put in his own words, "Hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you ." He did, however, initially have trouble adjusting to the Cullens' rule of only feeding on animals, and has tasted human blood on several occasions. Emmett is the husband of the blond Rosalie Hale. They have a very strong bond and are true soul mates.

me and my wife rose

Rosalie and Emmett Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

imikimi - Customize Your World!

me and my son emmettt my wife made this for me

bT*xJmx*PTEyNDcyNDAxOTM*NTImcHQ9MTI*NzI*MDMyMzU5NiZwPTIwOTQxMSZkPSZnPTEmdD*mbz*xM2FmNjBmYjEwODk*YWM3ODM*ZjhmYmRlNjQwMjNiMA==.giffather and son
imikimi - Customize Your World!

bT*xJmx*PTEyNDcyNDMyNDA5NDcmcHQ9MTI*NzI*MzI*ODI1NiZwPTIwOTQxMSZkPSZnPTEmdD*mbz*xM2FmNjBmYjEwODk*YWM3ODM*ZjhmYmRlNjQwMjNiMA==.gifwifey and hubby
imikimi - Customize Your World!

my family jewel

Cullen Crest Pictures, Images and Photos

my family

the cullens Pictures, Images and Photos

my brother and my sister bella

Edward and Bella Pictures, Images and Photos

alice and jasper

jasper & alice Pictures, Images and Photos

mom and dad
CARLISLE AND ESME Pictures, Images and Photos

me and rose

rose and emmett Pictures, Images and Photos

Male · Joined on July 6, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!

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