2)Harry potter (all of them)
3)dawn of dead
4)all zombie movies lol
5)suan of the dead (funny)
6)halloween (all but the curse one ewww lol)
7)almost all of stephen king movies
8)nightmare on elm street
9)friday the 13th
10)jaws lol
11)the messengers
12)poison ivy
13)ring 1 and 2
14)the grudge all
15)sometimes they come back
16)father of the bride 1&2
17)mr and mrs.smith
18)what women want
19)evil dead (stupid but i like them lol)
20)grave dancers
21)IT (scared the shit out of me i hate clowns now lol)
22)something to talk about
23)step mom (i cried like a baby)
24)cry baby
25)grease 1&2
26)hocus pocus i think that is the name lol
27)all land before time cartoons lmao
28)Ice age (all)
29)sweet home alabama
30)the fog (the old one with jamie lee curtis is my fav but i like the newer one too
31)prom night
33)almost anything that is horror and has vampires,werewolves and stuff like that i am a horror freak lol i luv ghost stories too
Video Games
You were the person i thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with,
The only man who could make me weak at the knees just by alook,when you kissed me i thought my feet would never touch the ground,How i loved to feel your breath on my face as we made love.
You deep inside me there was no better feeling.
But as seasons change so did we then came the heartbreaking goodbye.
I never thought the sun would ever shine for me again...But it did and that was when i knew i would be ok with out you.
I just never wanted to know a life with out you in it...But that is what i get to have ever believed you when you said Always and Forever

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