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51 Year Old · Male · From Burbank, IL · Joined on April 12, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old · Male · From Burbank, IL · Joined on April 12, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old · Male · From Burbank, IL · Joined on April 12, 2009 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!
First off, I'm usually a happen and funny drunk. Only way I become the asshole is if you f*ck with my friends the wrong way.
Sorry, everything else is the same as on Myspace..
Well.. I am a Star Wars fan. Satan is my CAT'S name!! So, I'm not into satanic rituals or that. So don't just go by the name. I grew up south west of Chicago, GO SOX!!! I"m a "Concert junkie," gone to see many shows, even some bands I hated. Why, for the hell of it. If I could, I would be at one almost every night. And, yes, I still do have my hearing. Work on cars, guitars, and just about anything "hands-on". Give me something broke, I'll fix it somehow, "duct tape does wonders." Like to get out and do things whenever I can. Although I can't drive(long story). Get a group of people together and go out, I will always make poeple laugh. Gotta laugh. If you don't, "life will pass you by." And I also believe what a once great person said, "life sucks! Get a helmet" Dr. Denis Leary.

And mainly, trying to have a fun life.
Yes, I like all kinda of crap...Slipknot, Slayer, Zombie (Rob & White), Ozzy, Type O Negative, Teastament, Pantera, Kiss,, Aerosmith, Stones, Black Sabbath, Def Leppard, Tiffany (yes, that Tiffany), Alanis Morissette, Pink, Kittie, Anthrax, Nine inch Nails, Local H, Evanescence, Otep, Van Halen (Roth and Hagar, not the last guy), and a lot of "80's pop-rock, you get the idea of where my interests are.
Star Wars (if you didn't get it from the name above), Hostel 1&2, Kevin Smith movies: "Jay and Silent Bob," Quentin Tarantino's, Matrixs, Serenity, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Cowboy BeBop, FIGHT CLUB, Indiana Jones', Baseketball, Orgasmo, Lost in Space, X-Files, Resident Evil, SAW 1, 2, 3 (not so much 4 or 5), most of John Hughes, anything Denis Leary (he is GOD!!)!
George Lucas too a point, Dale Earnhardt - both, some guitar greats Eric Clapton, Dimebag Darrell, Denis Leary ("I'm an Asshole!!")

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