35 Year Old
Joined on May 5, 2006
Born on September 30th
The Best Myspace Survey* . . About You . . *Eye Color::blue somtimes green Hair Color::brown Height::bout 5'7 Favorite Color::blue Screen Name::ask for it Favorite Band::yung joc..i no thats not a band but o well Favorite Movie::umm not sure like so many of em Favorite Show::family guy Your Car::a truck wit an awesome sound system Your Hometown::s town!! Your Present Town::s town Your Crushes First Name::katie Your Grade::10 Your Style::not sure * . . Have You Ever . . *Sat on your rooftop?:yes sir Kissed someone in the rain?:nah but would like to Danced in a public place?:nah thats gay Smiled for no reason?:yeh Laughed so hard you cried?:yeh that happened alot lol Peed your pants after age 8?:nah i dont thnk Written a song?:yeh a rap song Sang to someone for no reason?:haha yeh Performed on a stage?:yeh in an elementary play Talked to someone you don't know?:yeh Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:umm idk Made out in a theatre?:haha yeh...its fun as hell Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:nah Been in love?:yes sir * . . Who was the last person to . . *Say HI to you?:chance Tell you, I love you?:my mom haha wish it was a chick Kiss you?:lacie Hug you?:not sure Tell you BYE?:chance Write you a note?:not sure Take your photo?:myself but probly be chance Call your cell phone?:some chick Buy you something?:umm probly chance cuz i borrow mony from him Go with you to the movies?:my homies Sing to you?:not sure probly lauren ova the phone Write a poem about you?:no one and i hope no one did Text message you?:sarah Touch you?:probly lacie * . . What's the last . . *Time you laughed?:uhh today wen i saw little man Time you cried?:ummm...wen i laugh real hard i cried Movie you watched?:little man it was funny as hell Joke you told?:it was probly a perverted one lol Song you've sang?:grown and sexy by chamillionaire Time you've looked at the clock?:i looked at it like 3 seconds ago Drink you've had?:red bull Number you've dialed?:some chicks Book you've read?:dont read Food you've eaten?:fried chicken yeeeehh Flavor of gum chewed?:strawberry sours Shoes you've worn?:my b ball shoes Store you've been in?:man alive Thing you've said?:u look better from behind...cuz i was singin that from a song * . . Can You . . *Write with both hands?:not really Whistle?:yeh especially if im doin it at a gurl Blow a bubble?:nah...i no u thnk im stupid cuz i cant Roll your tounge in a circle?:yeh Cross your eyes?:yeh Touch your tounge to your nose?:no....damn u have to have a big ass tongue Dance?:not really Gleek?:wat the fuck does gleek mean Stay up a whole night without sleep?:haha yeh plenty times did it just a couple days ago Speak a different language?:spanish i lil bit Impersonate someone?:yeh... Prank call people?:yeh anyone can Make a card pyramid?:if im really bored Cook anything?:yeh some stuff * . . Finish The Line . . *If i were a ...:rich guy i would buy every car I wish ...:i had a really hot girl that kissed me alot So many people don't know that ...:im left handed I am ...:really cool and hot..well not really hot..leave that for u to decide My heart is ...:beating..duh shit face Take this survey | Find more surveysYou've been totally Bzoink*d
35 Year Old
Joined on May 5, 2006
Born on September 30th
1. girls
2. sports
3. music
MySpace Avatars
i like just about everything...mostly rock and rap..green day rules and nickelback...like alot of rappers exspecially yung joc now..listen to r&b too...ne-yo is the best..u name it ill probly listen to it
x-mplayer2" width="317" height="238" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0" AutoSize"false" loop="true" EnableContextMenu="0" DisplaySize"0" pluginspage"http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/">Ludacris ft Pharrel - Money MakerMusic Video Code Provided by: www.OFFUHUGE.com
mostly scary and funny ones...like scary movie's 1-4,pirates of the caribbean, the desent, stuff wit adam sandler, little man, just alot of stuff
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