36 Year Old
From Sulphur, LA·
Joined on April 25, 2006
Born on February 13th
i like pizza.Random JunkA Few Questionsdo you own an ipod? if so, what type?:video do you like the way hand sanitizer smells?:haven't payed much attention have you ever tasted it?:no what's your favorite band?:system of a down what's your favorite jelly bean flavor?:the yellow or red kind Favorite ice cream?:vanillia This or Thatchicken or turkey?:turkey mustard of mayo?:mayo sweet or sour?:sweet rock or rap?:rock cheddar or swiss?:swiss dogs or cats?:dogs bar or liquid soap?:bar sitcoms or reality tv?:reality t.v. horror or comedy?:comedy Fill In the Blanki love...:someone i hate...:people who screw with me i wish...:for that i can not have when i'm angry, i...:throw things, but i dont get mad often it's funny when...:me and the buds go to the park and do stuff to get on break.com In a Girl...are you more concerned about looks or personality?:personality what's the 1st thing you notice?:how they act eye color:hazel hair color:brown/blonde funny or sensitive?:funny, why be near someone who crys all the time Take this survey | Find more surveysYou've been totally Bzoink*d
36 Year Old
From Sulphur, LA·
Joined on April 25, 2006
Born on February 13th
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com