56 Year Old
From Casper, WY·
Invited by: TazDoggy·
Joined on September 12, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 23rd
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
56 Year Old
From Casper, WY·
Invited by: TazDoggy·
Joined on September 12, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 23rd
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
http://www.fubar.com/stashEntry.php?stashId=6270617 Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing. So share this with whom ever U consider a friend. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend
Its nice to be important, But its important to be nice... Im here for friends, And possible relationships. I have 5 kids, Two boys and three girls. They live with there mom but they are here all the time. My oldest has even made me a grandpa of two. My kids are very special to me. Im also interested in people who are interested in me I love the 80's metal and love songs so take a listen... Oh dont forget to rate me.. Send to friends / Add to profile Grab comments without leaving myspace! /
a href="http://fubar.com/photo.php?u=2122759&i=3872317191&albumid=1248111" target=_blank>
56 Year Old
From Casper, WY·
Invited by: TazDoggy·
Joined on September 12, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 23rd
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Sweet words are easy to say,Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreamingHope ends when U stop believing,Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing.So share this with whom ever U consider a friend.To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reasonTo care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Forward this to all the people whom U consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME ..... If U CareLife is so short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.Send to all the people you love or don't want to lose in 2008, even me.... If you get 3 back, you are a great friend!