40 Year Old
From Port Charlotte, FL·
Invited by: 2115847·
Joined on September 3, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 26th
40 Year Old
From Port Charlotte, FL·
Invited by: 2115847·
Joined on September 3, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 26th
My name is Claire
I was born in Portsmouth, England
I was raised in Mahwah, New Jersey until I was 12 years old when I moved to Englewood FL
I graduated Lemon Bay High School in 2002 and then graduated Manatee Community College in 2007 with an A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education
I am currently working at Good Shepherd Day School in the 2's and 3's classroom and I love it.
I am going to be going back to school soon to get my A.A. in Education and then on to get my Masters in Speech Pathologist.
I have met the one who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. He is amazing!!! Life could not be any better!!
40 Year Old
From Port Charlotte, FL·
Invited by: 2115847·
Joined on September 3, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 26th
Latest Status
Ms Claire Life could not be any better....I have a wonderful man who takes such good care of me!!
Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing. So share this with whom ever U consider a friend. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Forward this to all the people whom U consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME ..... If U Care........ Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Send to all the people you love or don't want to lose in 2008, even me.... If you get 3 back, you are a great friend