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63 Year Old · Female · From Aston, PA · Invited by: 2067310 · Joined on August 13, 2008 · Born on May 11th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
63 Year Old · Female · From Aston, PA · Invited by: 2067310 · Joined on August 13, 2008 · Born on May 11th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

I'm a single Mom of three grown beautiful girls, and a Nana to 6 grandbabies. My family means everything to me. They are my life, my interests and my hobbies.
Anything else you would like to know, please ask.

Get a Sexy, Colorful and Cute Comment from commentsplanet.com TODAY!

I got this Sexy Comment from commentsplanet.com!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

63 Year Old · Female · From Aston, PA · Invited by: 2067310 · Joined on August 13, 2008 · Born on May 11th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I enjoy Most music - except Rap, and that crazy stuff where all you here is screaming!! ugggg...

I'd have to say Motown is my favorite, but I like country, pop, rock, jazz, R&B, top 40, big band, christian pop, instrumental, light opera..... it's all beautiful .....
I don't have idols -
I have people I admire for different reasons, like my parents for working together to make my sisters and I independent, strong, loving women.

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Grown Women

Girls want to control the man in their life.
Grown women know that if he's truly hers, he doesn't need controlling.

Girls yell at you for not calling them.
Grown women are too busy to realize you hadn't.

Girls are afraid to be alone.
Grown women revel in it-using it as a time for personal growth.

Girls ignore the good guys.
Grown women ignore the bad guys.

Girls make you come home.
Grown women make you want to come home.

Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.
Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits.

Girls worry about not being pretty and/or good enough for their man.
Grown women know that they are pretty and/or good enough for any man.

Girls try to monopolize all their man's time (i.e., don't want him hanging with his friends).
Grown women realize that a lil' bit of space makes the 'together time' even more special-and goes out with her own friends

Girls think a guy crying is weak.
Grown women offer their shoulder and a tissue.

Girls want to be spoiled and 'tell' their man so.
Grown women 'show' him and make him comfortable enough to reciprocate without fear of losing his 'manhood'.

Girls get hurt by one man and make all men pay for it.
Grown women know that was just one man.

Girls fall in love and chase aimlessly after the object of their affection, ignoring all 'signs'.
Grown women know that sometimes the one's you love, don't always love you back-and move on, without bitterness.

Girls will read this and get an attitude.
Grown women will read this and pass it on to other Grown women and their male friends.


women have superpowers

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