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Female · From New York, NY · Joined on August 1, 2008 · Born on January 1st · 5 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!


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Hi. First, a little bit about me. I AM married. I have no problem adding men and women to my friends list. The status of being my "Family" does not mean anything in particular. It could mean that you're one of my dearest friends (which would extend beyond this website), or it could simply mean you asked me to do you a favor (and only good friends would have that wish granted). And by "Friend" I mean someone that took the time to get to know me.

What I do like is conversation, first and foremost. I am not into the whole, "Hey beatiful, are you feling frisky?" thing. That's something I won't waste my time responding to. Yes, I know, my screen name is "Lady Sin", but that doesn't mean that I'm here to have an affair or that I'm here to talk dirty. I do have a sense of humor about things, and I can be playful, but I do not do the whole cyber sex talk nonsense. Please respect that.

I love to go from page to page and "LIKE" people, even if I don't know you. It's harmless and it's all done in the name of fun.

I do not like to add people that do not have a profile picture. So if you get ignored, that could be why.

I'm an outdoorsy type of person. There's nothing in particular, i just love being outside, surrounded by nature. I admire people that have a true talent, i.e. photography, singing, art, etc. Although i do not behold such gifts, I'd love to see yours!!

There's so much more to know about me than what can be said here. Feel free to just buzz.

Ok.... time to get.. Thank you for taking time to read this!

Female · From New York, NY · Joined on August 1, 2008 · Born on January 1st · 5 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!

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