68 Year Old
Saskatchewan, Canada
Joined on August 13, 2008
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on February 20th
4 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone!
I`m basically a shy person, but I can give u many ppl who think otherwise.
Love my sports but am terrible at most.
I hate ppl who try to insult yours or another person`s intelligence.
I am basically a lazy person and will openly admit it,
I have made mistakes and have regrets in my life I would change if I could, I have also come to the realization I will probably die alone, but I hope someone comes along and proves me wrong!
As I said I'm not perfect I have my share of flaws, and anyone who tries to tell u they are perfect and have no flaws are only lying to themselves.
Some of the greatest pleasures or gifts we can receive in life cost us very little but can give us great joy. Examples of this are when my two nieces had their first babies and I became a great uncle, how happy this made me feel I cannot put into words. Since that I have become a great uncle 3 more times with another on the way.
I have also found you don't appreciate or miss something until you lose it!
A hug, have you ever seen the smile on a person's face when they don't expect it or when they are not having a good day, they get a hug, most feel like some of their burden has been lessened and you knowing what you have done for them brings happiness into your life.
Helping someone, and seeing the joys on their faces when they realize all the work they did was worthwhile, and knowing you helped in some small way, even if they don`t acknowledge it, you can see it in their faces. I had a student getting ready for an English speaking competition, these are very important in China for the students taking part, she had some problems with her speech. I gave her a couple of suggestions how it would look and sound better. About a week later, she told she won, and I could swear she was floating on air when she told me this. She had a big ear to ear grin, and I felt so happy for her that I was able to contribute in some small way! So never take these things for granted, they will be appreciated and this in itself is greater than most financial rewards as this something which no price can be attached. If this sounds like rambling, try it sometime and see what happens!
Don`t take everything so seriously, things don`t always turn out the way we want. Look forward to tomorrow, things will be better, no sense sweating the small stuff, life is too short, as the cliche goes. Its not always as hard as I make it seem and at times it isn't as I have learned the hard way over the years, but learning patience can help this process a great deal.
I would be lying if I said nothing bothers me, many things do, however letting them control your life will do you nor anyone else any good. Expressing your feelings in a logical calm headed manner will help other to see why you feel the way you do and maybe from this changes can be made!
These are some personal thoughts for which you are free to disagree, if you disagree with any, try them sometime and see what happens.
I tend to be forgetful and more so recently so don't be offended if I forget something that you commented.
If you want to b;lock me, at least give me a reason, show some consideration in this way, I'm sure you feel the same if someone has blocked you!
Personal belief: What goes around comes around! You screw with someone or do a good deed it will come back at you!
68 Year Old
Saskatchewan, Canada
Joined on August 13, 2008
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on February 20th
4 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone!
I like sports(most sports I do have a favourite team, but there are also some sports I don`t like or I like to play but not watch), girls, surfing the net, travel, music (rap, hip hop and to a certain degree techno I don`t consider real music, but there are exceptions to every rule), girls (or did I already mention that), movies and various other weird things. I know it sounds boring but that is the surface me, there is also a deep inner soul and that takes time unravel and understand! Even I don't understand me sometimes. We all have our flaws (moodiness mainly for me), but with time I have learned to vent frustrations from my flaws in a less destructive manner. If this makes me a shallow and insecure person then so be it. If you have ideas how I could improve, lets discuss them, but tell me what I should do or think without logic and what you say may get ignored!
Now if you have read all this and not found a cure for insomnia, congratulations, and continue on, I could say this is basically me, but no person is ever truly basic no matter what they tell you!
AC/DC, KISS, Elton John, Motley Crue, Brooks and Dunn, Shania Twain, 60`s, 70`s, 80`s, Classic rock and others too numerous to mention, ask and I will tell what I think about them, and if I haven`t heard of them I will say so. However, I do not consider most forms of rap, hip hop or techno as music, just a choice, not saying there are not bad forms of these styles, I just cannot relate to them!
True Grit with John Wayne
Bourne trilogy
To Sir With Love
Harry Potter movies
middle three of the Star Wars trilogies
many action and sci-fi movies (including most of the Star Trek movies)
I don't like Brat Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm sure they are good actors but I pass on most of their films. An exception is "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', an excellent movie in my opinion.
The 2013 Saskatchewan Roughrider Story! What it hasn't been made, well someone better do it! *wink*
William Shakespeare
Elton John
Audrey Hepburn - the classiest lady ever.
Lady Diana Spenser - she went through more BS than any of us should have to experience.
My family - esp. my mom, R.I.P., for putting up with my crap over the years and still by my side when I need her.
Louis Riel - who helped shape Canadian history more than he will ever be given credit.
Dr. Alec Paul - who in university helped guide me to my career path.
Wayne Gretzky "The Great One", if u know hockey, need I say more?
Video Games
Do pin ball games count, otherwise I don't know much about Video games, except maybe Solitaire! lol Football on Facebook when it isn't blocked and trivia games to keep my mind sharp and you never know what piece of seemingly useless information will come in handy some day!
Happy Heavenly Birthday Doug
Birthday graphics @ ubercomments