Hi there my new friend! I just came by to thank you for stopping by my page by leaving some Big Girl Luv on yours, so I rated and fanned you while I was here. I hope you have an amazing week! Lots of Curvy Hugs and Luv for you.~Synful Syntra~
Good Day My Friend...Every Day Life.... Ok so the world is going crazy. You are feeling like a turd in the big flush bowl of life. Why would you want to feel that all is good with life? Just looking at the head lines in the news papers every day, watching the News on TV, or hearing news stories on the radio. Wow, why not take that big swim in the bowl? Is it going to get better? I am afraid not my friends! No where near better for a long time to come. All I can tell you is hold on as tight as you can for this roller coaster of life is the biggest yet to come our way. Releasing your hold just a little is going to have you fall right in that big flush bowl of life. No swimming aloud, so say your prayers and say good bye. The bad thing about this little out look on life is that it can happen to each and everyone of us in the blink of an eye. Now is the time to start looking inward at our souls. There is one way of survival here and that will be to believe in yourself. The strength inside of each of us is stronger than you think. But you have to come to accept yourself as a strong person, who has made mistakes in life, but can move pass the past and go to that inner strength that beats inside each of us every day to survive. I believe in me, do you believe in you?...Have a awesome day ...ride safe....Harley