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43 Year Old
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Joined on May 20, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 30th
5 referrals joined!
43 Year Old
Invited by:
Joined on May 20, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 30th
5 referrals joined!
1. Name: rebecca
2. Middle Name: not sayin
3. State: nh
4. Place of Birth: manchester nh
5 Male or Female: female
6. Hometown: manchester nh
7. Bus:?
8. School: not in a while
9. Occupation: bill collector
10. Initials: rsw
11. Screen Name: beckabo969
.. Your Appearance : .
12. Hair Color: auburn
13. Hair Length: shoulder
14. Eye color: brown
15. Best Feature: eyes
16. Height: 5'5"
17. Braces?: nope
18. Glasses?: nope
19. Freckles?: yup
20. Diploma?: yup
. : Favorites : .
29. Movie: green mile
30. TV Show: csi
31. Color: red
32. Rapper: ?
33. Place to get groceries: hanafords
34. Food: ?
35. Season: spring
36. Candy: penut butter cups
37. Sports: i guess baseball and football
38. Restaurant: applebees
39. Friend: melissa sue
40. Store: kohls
41. School Subject: ?
42. Animal: my kitties
43. Book: i don't know
44. Magazine: cosmo
. : Currently : .
45.Doing before you started this survey: trying to work
46. Feeling: tired
47. Wearing: red polo and khaki cargo pants
48. Crying about: nothing currently
49. Eating : nothing
50. Drinking: ice coffee
51. Dreaming: of being at home relaxing
52. Typing: this survey
53. Listening To: coworkers
54. Thinking about: sleep
55. Wanting: sleep
56. Watching: nothing
. : Future : .
57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: hopefully in my own house
58. Kids: already crossed that bridge
59. Want to be Married: maybe
60. Career in Mind: something that makes money
. : Which is Better with the Opposite Sex :
61. Sport: football
62. Shirt: idk
63. Hair color: dark
64. Hair length: short
65. Eye color: any
66. Measurements: idk
67. Cute or sexy: either
68. Lips or Eyes: either
69. Hugs or Kisses: kisses
70. Short or Tall: tall
71. Easygoing or serious: in between
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both
73. Good or Bad: i like bad boys
74. Sensitive or Loud: not too much of either
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
76. Harley or Crotch Rocket: harley!
77. Two or One: ?
. : Have You Ever : .
78. Kissed a STRANGER: yes
79. Had major surgery: yes
80. Gone commando: yes
81. Ran Away From Home: yes
82. Broken a bone: no
83. Got an X-ray: yes
84. Been on a cruise: no
85. Broken Someone's Heart: yes :(
86. Dumped someone: yes
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes
88. Cried At School: yes
. : Do You Believe In :
9. God: not sure
90. Miracles: not sure
91. Love at First Sight: maybe
92. Ghosts: not really
93. Aliens: nope
94. Soul Mates: yes
95. Heaven: not sure
96. Hell: not sure
97. Answered prayers: nope
98. Kissing on The First Date: yes
99. horoscopes: yes
100. Is there someone you wish you had? yes
43 Year Old
Invited by:
Joined on May 20, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 30th
5 referrals joined!
Profiles Liked | Profiles Rated | Super Likes Given | Photos Liked | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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