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66 Year Old · Male · From Puyallup, WA · Invited by: 1166698 · Joined on April 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
66 Year Old · Male · From Puyallup, WA · Invited by: 1166698 · Joined on April 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Hello! Right off the bat, I want to tell you that if you are trying to add me JUST for the number of friends,and don't intend to talk to me, DON'T! I don't play that game. I am looking for REAL friends, ones I can have decent conversations with EVEN outside of FU. On-line friendships are great, and if they lead to an off-line one, even better. I know that the odds of actually getting to meet are extremely low, I always like to keep an open mind, since you never know what will happen. Stranger things have occurred! I DO have Skype and YIM, but not just anybody will get those names. That is reserved for ones I think have earned it. If you cause drama, or I find out you are not what you say, things will not get ugly, since you won't be on my list. Pure and simple!

I will talk to anyone that seems decent, but if you have an issue with someone else that is on my friends list, I won't get involved in your squabble. As long as you are civil to me, you will get the same in return. I TALK TO A LOT OF PEOPLE! What i talk to them about does not concern you, or I'd tell you. And I don't tell what I talk to you about. Pure & Simple - I don't kiss and tell. If that bothers you, it's up to you, if you want to stay a friend or not.

That being said! If you are still interested, and WANT to be a friend, you need to know a few things about me, so you'll know where I'm coming from. I am MARRIED, no kids, mid-50's, average height and weight. I have several hobbies and things that i find of interest. I do NOT talk about Politics or Religion, but any other topic, as long as I know something about it, is fair game!

I'm a retired Air Fore NCO, and was an aircraft mechanic by trade. Am out of that trade now, and am in Security.

I love animals and dogs are my favorite, but I also enjoy wildlife.

I had a stalker, a few years ago, so am a bit hesitant to show pics, but I will show them on other media, once we get to feel comfortable with each other. That way, I can control who sees them.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask. Just be ready to answer a similar question, in return, since that is only fair. Thanks! If you've gotten this far, you might as well drop me a private message, if for nothing else, just to say a quick "hello!"

Am just wondering why people have to be so mean to others. It doesn't really do any good, and just makes the hater look more of a jerk than they already are.

I try to treat others, with the same respect that I feel I deserve. I can be a really good friend, if you want to take the time to get to know the INNER me. Just don't be hasty, to make any determinations, based on rumors. Jst a few common-sense ideas (which is not as common as you'd like to believe)

I want to be able to speak my mind, and if I feel I'm being censored, just because of a narrow-minded definition, so be it! In that case, I'm sure I'm well-adjusted enough to do without that particular location. If I'm comfortable wit you, you'll find that I can be a good frined and valuable ear. That is, IF you ake the time to find out about me.

66 Year Old · Male · From Puyallup, WA · Invited by: 1166698 · Joined on April 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 9th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
I have a very varied range of activities that I enjoy. they range from just sitting and talking, to listening to music (various types - all depending on my mood(, photography (usually behind the camera), target shooting, dart throwing, drives in the country, walks on the beach, anything that lets me enjoy the natural world.

If you have any questions, just ask.
Oldies, Classic Rock, some Country, some New Age, and some Big Band. All depends on my mood.
Action/Adventure - Explosions and chases
Sci-Fi - Spacey and special effects
Comedy - Gotta find time to laugh.
Drama - Techno-thrillers.
Documentaries - Historically accurate stories.
My Uncle, who was more of a "Dad" than my Father was.
Video Games
Just into computer games, not tooo into video games, other than "old-school" ones.

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